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Tourism Minister Announces Exciting New Tourism Facility


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Despite recent criticism of facilities for riders at the TT Grandstand campsite, Tourism Minsiter Martyn Quayle has revealed that this is to be marketed as a new facility for potential visitors.


"Although there were complaints about the facilities for bikers, I am pleased to announe that we will now be operating the Nobles Park Campsite as a mud spa facility. Our mud is high in mineral salts, CO2, argonite, calcite and trace iron deposits, this area is a river valley formed by granite tectonic blocks, which created a rift valley. Subsequent basalt lava flows and argonite mineralizations are also present. The thermal water infects the earth surrounding it, lending the mud curative properties."


Interestingly, mud has a different curative effect from each spring, varying from digestive healing agents to vascular and metabolic aids.


A variety of mud with different curative effects.Andrew Weil, M.D., a proponent of complementary health care, acknowledges that mud seems to have something going for it. Research on the therapeutic properties of mud has been much more intense in Europe and Russia than in the United States, so Weil is cautious about endorsing mud carte blanche.


Weil said that based on the application of thermal mud promotes long-lasting beneficial effects for people with dry and seborrheic (flaking) skin. In 1999 another Italian study reported that the combination of mudpacks and antidepressants helped fibromyalgia patients both physiologically and psychologically.


"In Israel, medical researchers at Ben-Gurion University found that rheumatoid arthritis patients who were treated with daily mud packs, daily hot sulfur baths, and a combination of the two, improved significantly compared to those who didn’t receive any of these treatments."


Weil also raises some cautionary issues, such as sanitation, indicating that single-use baths that are completely sanitized and then replenished might be safer than group-shared thermal facilities.


Muds used in spa therapies are found throughout the world. Each mud has a different content based on the geologic area from which it originated. Several governments, including those in Italy and Israel, have actually conducted in-depth studies as to the effectiveness of the mud found in their countries.


Quayle added "I have been using mud wraps for years and this will be an exciting addition to our facilities fulfilling our aim of being a 22nd Century tourism destination".

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