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Small Countries Financial Management Programme

Moghrey Mie

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So that makes it Ok does it?


I don't understand why this is so irksome, unless of course it can be demonstrated that they have deliberately excluded women who have asked to take part in the programme with equal or greater expertise in this field than the men who were accepted in their place.


Firstly, you implied that the nunnery were somehow complicit in denying equal opportunities. This is incorrect, not least because it's not their programme.


Secondly, what basis have you for suggesting that this is a case of chauvenism? Is it so outlandish that the main experts in this particular area at the Kennedy School of Government and Said Business School and who were willing to trek over to the Island might just happen to be men? It such be pointed out that both institutions have a significant number of women on their faculties, including in senior positions - it may just be that their specialism may lie in completely different fields (especially in an area like this, which I suspect is of less interest to most researchers than those relating to large economies).


Just an observation that no women are presenting. I wondered why.


Because they're all at home doing the housework.....

Seriously though, as VinnieK says - what is the problem? I went into several shops on Strand Street today, and there were very few men serving. Am I bleating about that?

Now, if you were to take a larger sample of similar faculties, I'm sure that your perceived gender imbalance would soon disappear.

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Seriously though, as VinnieK says - what is the problem? I went into several shops on Strand Street today, and there were very few men serving. Am I bleating about that?


I agree, everytime I am stopped at security I am always searched by a man. I think that is totally sexists and next time I will demand to be frisked by a lady, provided she is decent looking!!

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I see they are running a course on financial management for small countries at the Nunnery.


All 18 faculty members appear to be men.


Maybe next time they'll have one on Equal Opportunities.

I don't see the relevance of why there has to be a woman on this course.

Do we always have to drag things like this up?

If thats the case, we could have

1 male/ female aged in their teens, then every 10 years upwards so to avoid ageism.

Oh no, I forgot colour, so add Chinese, Indian and so on to avoid racism

Oh no, don't forget about heterosexuals, bisexuals and so on


I'm sure that if we had one of each 'difference' (whatever that may be), then there wouldn't be enough slots to fill all the spaces.


Political correctness :angry:

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