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Drug And Alcohol Strategy


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If the night before is not worth the day after then its time to knock it on the head. It works well but, occasionally I forget :D Drugs and drink, they are fun but not to be taken lightly, people need to know more, like what chemicals are in Paintstripper Cider and why are the shrooms illegal and why are the police wasting time with pot heads again? I missed the massive bust (LMFAO - only in the Isle Of Man would a couple of grams of coke and a block of hash be considered a massive bust, toy town innit?) but if you ask me, it is another example of a non criminal being arrested for a recreational pursuit. All the drug prisoners at the gaol make a mockery of the law, this is not what the people want, this is some stupid arsed crusade by the do-gooding brigade led by pharmaceutical companies and well meaning psychiatrists.


And as for O'Really and her bunch of primates, why don't they get a proper job? Stop wasting tax payers cash attending anti-drug meetings and seminars that are a waste of time, space and energy! "5 people died on the IOM of heroin last year, pass me another Hob Nob." (Made up facts FTW)

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think you're right on the lack of authority aspect, and thats what too much freedom of choice and civil rights do for the place.

I don't see a problem with the reduction in authority- its wrong. It is the consequence of what that has resulted in that is of concern.

Also today, drinks are designed and marketed at kids.

I am not sure either way on this point. I am inclined to think that such marketing doesn't have much effect. There was hooch and other nice tasty drinks when I was about 15/16 that I used to get smashed on, but it wouldn't make any difference to me to get hold of vodja, archers, gin. I think the marketing thing is bigged up to an absurd extent.

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If the night before is not worth the day after then its time to knock it on the head. It works well but, occasionally I forget :D Drugs and drink, they are fun but not to be taken lightly, people need to know more, like what chemicals are in Paintstripper Cider and why are the shrooms illegal and why are the police wasting time with pot heads again? I missed the massive bust (LMFAO - only in the Isle Of Man would a couple of grams of coke and a block of hash be considered a massive bust, toy town innit?) but if you ask me, it is another example of a non criminal being arrested for a recreational pursuit. All the drug prisoners at the gaol make a mockery of the law, this is not what the people want, this is some stupid arsed crusade by the do-gooding brigade led by pharmaceutical companies and well meaning psychiatrists.


And as for O'Really and her bunch of primates, why don't they get a proper job? Stop wasting tax payers cash attending anti-drug meetings and seminars that are a waste of time, space and energy! "5 people died on the IOM of heroin last year, pass me another Hob Nob." (Made up facts FTW)


You have mentioned before that you have kids.

And I've noticed previously that you have very liberal attitudes on booze, drugs and life in general.

Because your kids will pick up on your attitudes, I think that you are a typical example of why society has been on a slow but sure downward spiral.

Please don't take this as a personal attack, it is just my observation of life here over the past twenty years or so.

Mum and Dad (when present) get pissed or high; so it must be o.k.


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Yes, it is, or maybe not, who is to tell? Let me tell you about one of my children, she passed all her gcse's at high grades (A*-C) shortly after passing grade 7 on the piano, then went off raving with other people her age to celebrate - the very scourge of society I'm sure..... I am liberal in my views but I lead quite a dull and fairly normal life, sorry to disappoint (excludes festi behaviour which doesn't count ;)).


Society is fine where I live. Where & who are all these social degenerates you talk of? Is that the percentage of society who were born fucked up? that is the way of the world gringo.

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Its not a cultural problem, its a prosperity problem. Loads of people who should be on the dole here are in good jobs because of the economy. That means more money to get pissed or shove stuff up your nose. Its not cultural I'm afraid. Its just being a dickhead with disposable cash when if life was fair you would be skint.



Thats bollocks, we have always been a nation of pissheads.


Back in the 70s and 80s when nobody had much money we still spent most of it on drink.


George Bernard Shaw called us 50 thousand alchoholics clinging to a rock and that was 70 years ago


Very true. And not just the 70s and 80s; having spent months trawling through papers in the museum archive, I came across many references to the problems caused in Manx society by drink. It wasn't uncommon for court cases to be held in public houses where the court officials were often noted as being drunk and incapable. There were also many complaints about customs officials being unable to carry out their duties because of drunkenness. Additionally, in his book The English, Jeremy Paxman makes reference to the Anglo Saxons getting roaring drunk (and brawling) to celebrate various events. There's definitely a book to be written here I think. Wonder if the D & A Strategy would fund it :lol:

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But back in those days Alcohol was not readily available from every street corner. Kids could not access it like they can today.


This is bollocks. Have a look at how many pubs there were in Douglas around the turn of the last century. Nearly every other building was a pub (ok, maybe a bit of an exageration but...) You can probably find out on manxnotebook.

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Its not a cultural problem, its a prosperity problem. Loads of people who should be on the dole here are in good jobs because of the economy. That means more money to get pissed or shove stuff up your nose. Its not cultural I'm afraid. Its just being a dickhead with disposable cash when if life was fair you would be skint.

I don't know what you mean Hboy because you seem to be very against the idea of people being on the dole. Do you just mean they should have worse jobs? It seems just from what I can glean from your posts that the people on the dole need to work but it is ok if they are skint or poorly paid. Though I am more be wrong, just making an assumption.

I would say that if they are poorer they'll be buying the white ace and getting shit faced on that.


Well what i glean from your posts is that you live in some hopelessly unrealistic fantasy world with a childlike view of what the world should deliver to you.


I work hard to provide for my family I do not also want money taken from me in taxes to pay for your family or the family of anyone else who is arrogant (or lazy) enough to think that certain jobs are "beneath" them. As you seem to dislike state control so much why the hell to you believe that the state should pay you for sitting at home doing absolutely nothing? It should not. Your comments on work come across as arrogant - you think that you are too good to do some jobs, why should you do low paid work, better just not dirty your hands and sit on your fat arse and get a cheque from the DHSS every week.

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But back in those days Alcohol was not readily available from every street corner. Kids could not access it like they can today.


This is bollocks. Have a look at how many pubs there were in Douglas around the turn of the last century. Nearly every other building was a pub (ok, maybe a bit of an exageration but...) You can probably find out on manxnotebook.

Absolutely true, but your comments actually add to my statement. Thank you.


It is only in the past few decades that children have even been allowed in pubs, let alone had the chance to try to buy alcohol. Up until the mid '60s, most "off sales" were made through pubs. So basically, it was much harder for anyone to get alcohol for home consumption, let alone children.


In addition, the price difference between drinking in a pub, and buying "off sales" was not as great as it is today, so you may as well stay in the pub.

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H-Boy -

Arrogant? No, I think it is difficult for anyone to not perceive particular jobs they feel they are better than, but this is not the point. It isn't arrogant but an assessment that waged work with all that it entails and the character of so many jobs in a this system are demeaning to one's humanity. But yes, I do see myself as being too good for many jobs. Jobs where I behave as some automaton doing the same tasks everyday, with no control over my work, and involving matters which have nothing to do with me, and not having to be under some authority. It's not arrogance unless you consider yourself to be worthy of behaving as some form of slave drone.


You seem to just focus on one aspect of today's society - scroungers, and see that as the problem. However, this is all beside the point really because I was only interested in why you think some people deserve to be on the dole when you disagree that it should exist for 'scrounger's.

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LDV: any employee is worth only what an employer is prepared to pay them at that particular time. 10 years ago I was writing and producing a six-part TV series for ITV. When my involvement in that ended prematurely, I couldn't get a job here as a master of the universe so drove a taxi for a few months instead.


I didn't particularly relish it, but I certainly didn't consider it beneath me and would have shovelled shit for minimum wage rather than rely on state handouts.

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H-Boy -

Arrogant? No, I think it is difficult for anyone to not perceive particular jobs they feel they are better than, but this is not the point. It isn't arrogant but an assessment that waged work with all that it entails and the character of so many jobs in a this system are demeaning to one's humanity. But yes, I do see myself as being too good for many jobs. Jobs where I behave as some automaton doing the same tasks everyday, with no control over my work, and involving matters which have nothing to do with me, and not having to be under some authority. It's not arrogance unless you consider yourself to be worthy of behaving as some form of slave drone.


You seem to just focus on one aspect of today's society - scroungers, and see that as the problem. However, this is all beside the point really because I was only interested in why you think some people deserve to be on the dole when you disagree that it should exist for 'scrounger's.


Arrogant .. totally yes. You'd obviously rather be a state funded Marxist / anarchist / socialist than actually be seen to sully your hands doing a job that you believe is beneath you for money. Your just like all the other pseudo Marxists out there - you believe in workers rights but you wouldn't want to actually be one because you think you are far too clever. You obviously see yourself at the top of any society giving out the orders - rather like a Trotsky or Lenin - rather than actually being one of those working or dirtying your hands to keep the factories working.


Your views are so incredibly arrogant that I even have to agree with Stu (!!). I have done any work to keep food on the table because I had to ... I have never claimed a benefit in my life and will turn my hand to any paid work needed to support myself and my family. Many of us do not have the luxury (or should I say state subsidy) to do anything different - you have no work ethic I'm afraid - just some lazy intellectual snob who sees work as being for "other people".


You live on fantasy Island I'm afraid.

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