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Drug And Alcohol Strategy


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Arrogant .. totally yes. You'd obviously rather be a state funded Marxist / anarchist / socialist than actually be seen to sully your hands doing a job that you believe is beneath you for money. Your just like all the other pseudo Marxists out there - you believe in workers rights but you wouldn't want to actually be one because you think you are far too clever. You obviously see yourself at the top of any society giving out the orders - rather like a Trotsky or Lenin - rather than actually being one of those working or dirtying your hands to keep the factories working.

Wait a sec, on the assumption that I am on the dole or something? I work full-time, do voluntary work, and am currently looking for a part-time job. There isn't anything special about that, but you seem to be coming to some bizarre conclusions such as that I am not a worker.


I think you are of the assumption that my beliefs about work and my appraisal of the politico-economic environment is one of personal ideas surrounding the fact that I may be intelligent or some how better than other people. I don't want to see myself as being at the top giving orders precisely because I have no justification in issuing orders. I really don't think you understand what I am coming from.


It is not about being better than anyone else and it is not an assessment that I am limit to myself. It is simply that I recognise that as human beings we are BETTER and need more than what we seemingly HAVE to do to survive. You would seem to see, for example, some worth or positive value in sitting at a cash till in a supermarket 9-5. I don't. It has no value to the person doing it other than acquire their meagre compensation (wage); it requires them to be less than they can be because they limit their thinking by performing as little more than a robot; and they have sell their mind and body to then do something as demeaning as that with the addition of having no control over the work they do. And this is an 'extreme' example, in the sense I am picking up on something which most would agree with is a menial job, but such characteristics of work can be applied to so many other areas.


But this is beside the point, I asked how you can explain how people should stop being put on the dole, yet some deserve to be on the dole. Seems contradictory.

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I think the trends with drinking go farther back. Why would a group of 15 year olds in the 1950s not regularly get shitfaced at the weekend? I wonder if it is largely the case that young people being more frivolous and hedonistic are also free from the authority that would have reined them in and punished them for such behaviour.


But back in those days Alcohol was not readily available from every street corner. Kids could not access it like they can today. Also today, drinks are designed and marketed at kids.


two things


class and economics


working class "men" wnt boozing, not middle class who were saving for the deposit, this is cultural


low wages, teenagers didn't have any economic clout, no money no booze. You got a poorly paid apprenticeship this is economic

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It's simply a "getting away with it" problem.

Zero repercussions/penalties simply means that the young people will do it as another "extreme sport."


Bring back fear of consequences. That kept me out of trouble and permanent damage to myself until I grew up (at about 27, although friends disagree).

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I can't really take issue with anything he says in that piece, the truth is that it suits those at the top to keep the legal addictions in place and available, whilst waging a false 'war' against everything else.


The decent thing to do is either make the whole lot illegal and fight that (hopeless) battle, or legalise everything and deal with the problems as a medical rather than a criminal issue, but no chance of that unfortunately.

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