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Don't Try This At Home


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Great stuff . Christ if I tried owt like that there would be a sickening thud and me in a crumpled broken heap at the base of the wall . As others have said , good on them they weren't bothering anyone and were making their own entertainment without the need for much other than I suspect very grippy trainers .

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2 thumbs up from me, nothing wrong with what they do.


Not quite District 13, but impressive none the less.


Agreed. The physical condition these guys must in is a great example for the Yoof of today. I've noticed a lot of action films these days have some sort of free running in there (Babylon AD and Punisher: Warzone for example). Maybe film work could be something to aspire to for the Yoof.

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What a load of self loving, over inflated ego, piss steam.


What a lot of annoying, pretentious tossers! I bet that forty years ago much of that would've had them up in front of the beak, then the birch and the first boat home in the morning.


What the hell ?

i mean if you dont like it fair play but theres no need


I will explain what we do...


We are all from the isle of man bar one person in that video (pottsay) we have been training for years and are finally getting somewere we are not doing any harm to anybody we keep to ourselves but invite ANYbody to join in we train every day and do this as a proffesion me and will sutton have just got back from denmark from opening the worlds first freerunning park and have just finished filming for a tv show on channel 4. We are just living are lives the way we want and i dont see why people have such a problem with us trying to make something of ourselves doing somthing we love thankyou to all the people who have supported us and to the people who havent oh well. Only those who risk going to far can find out how far one can go.



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Hello there free runner. :) I really enjoyed watching your video. I suppose some people might have their hearts in their mouths in case one of you breaks your neck or something, but you could do that playing rugby or motor bike racing or any sport. I applaud you all, young people such as yourself having fun and doing something where you are living life to the full is good to see.

I expect you are all well aware of the potential for accidents, but then again you could sit in front of a computer screen all day playing games and then trip on the bath mat and crack your head open on the way to the loo!


Keep going and get better and better, don't let the miserable buggers get to you. Life is full of kill joys and whingers. I look forward to watching your next video.....Hell, it's the closest I'm ever going to get to youthfull exuberance.


Best wishes ..

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I am one of the people within this video and i think that we are doing the right thing, we are entertaining ourselves without drinking underage, vandalizing things and bothering other people.


Also within the post on IOMTODAY.COM they claim many things that are not true. For one they state that we are going off the Douglas promenade wall in shallow water, for starters, it the water was shallow we wouldn't even jump in, never mind somersaulting into the water.


Yes, it may be a little dangerous but we all know the risks, and as others have said, Yeah, we may break a bone or hurt ourselves in someway, but this can happen in any sport such as rugby and football and it happen to professionals everyday.


We may only be 15, 16 or 17 but we have trained inside a gym with soft floor and a foam pit before trying any of this outside, so we don't want you to just go outside and try to somersault off a bench or vault over a wall, you should train before you do this and know what your limits are.


Some of the people in this video even get paid for stuff like this, and at our age, it would be kinda like making a living, you wouldn't like to be told you can't do your job because the chair that you're sat on may break and you could hurt yourself.


Whatever happens, you can't stop kids being kids that are finding stuff to do on the Isle of Man that doesn't have much for the Youth anymore as it has been knocked down and turned into hotels.


The government could create an area that is safe for us to train within that isn't going to get wrecked and vandalized by the rest of the Manx youth.

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lao things will only get better re your classes


i truely hope those are prophetic words, it would be so nice to eat every day of the week. (im guessing you mean that there will be less hassle?)


I am one of the people within this video and i think that we are doing the right thing, we are entertaining ourselves without drinking underage, vandalizing things and bothering other people.


The government could create an area that is safe for us to train within that isn't going to get wrecked and vandalized by the rest of the Manx youth.


im cool with what you guys do, as i too am involved in a fringe sport that has yet to gain mainstream acceptance in all areas, but if the Goverment was to build you a new area to train, despite already having a couple of gymnastics buildings, BEFORE they built me a state of the art MMA gym to so that i can train the fighters of the future, that would be most upsetting.


in all seriousness, let me know if you guys need some support, (except money) message me here or come and have a chat with me in class.

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The government could create an area that is safe for us to train within that isn't going to get wrecked and vandalized by the rest of the Manx youth.


Doesn't that defy the whole point though? Isn't that why it's called freerunning? If you had to do it indoors on specially designed equipment, with safety mats, and wear leotards, it wouldn't really be the same would it? Well, it would be gymnastics is what it would be.

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The government could create an area that is safe for us to train within that isn't going to get wrecked and vandalized by the rest of the Manx youth.


Doesn't that defy the whole point though? Isn't that why it's called freerunning? If you had to do it indoors on specially designed equipment, with safety mats, and wear leotards, it wouldn't really be the same would it? Well, it would be gymnastics is what it would be.



we dont need special equiptment or indoor places all we need is are bodys to train and are friends to train with but it seems the only way we can do this is if we do it the way the goverment want it done...indoors which we are doing but we dont want this we want to use are bodys for what they are built this way for...were not just built for walking and jogging we can climb jump leap flip people have been doing this for hundreds and thousands of years it just diddnt have a name and now it has lots of people seem to dissagree with it and i know for a fact at some point in there life they have done it weather it was as a child climbing on a wall or hoping over one whilst playing a game of tip or taking a shortcut jumping over a railing to get to work quicker either way we are built for freerunning so nothing can stop us.


i will leave you with a video of the person who made parkour/freerunning what it is today i think its pretty inspirational but i would say to everybody watch it because it might give you a better understanding



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