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[BBC News] Number of air passengers falls

Dave Hedgehog

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Damn beat me to it !!


Pathetic ain't it, however just read in the glossy mag in the Courier that the new tower was required because of an increase in aircraft movements well which is it then ?


Wonder when somebody will stand up and say yes we xxx up there is nothing like the traffic we predicted in our business case. The monthly rubbish from herself is laughable.

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Happily, it's not been proven (yet) by research that onerous and difficult to interpret rules, petty regulations, pointless security checks* or expensive and lacklustre flight services are anything to do with the drop in demand for aeroplane travel.


I was up at 0530 this morning to drive my girlfriend to Ronalsway to catch the 0630 to London City (she had an important early meeting near Euston). The flight was delayed repeatedly and only finally departed at 1045.


No doubt she got a free coffee (I'm awaiting a telephone rant with details this evening). I don't suppose though that Aer Arann will be reimbursing the ticket or the hotel costs for tonight...


The aviation industry needs a complete overhaul.



* How many bombers have been arrested during routine security checks?

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More people on holiday.

Rainy weather means people escape to drier climes.


Would that not make for more passengers.

...'Sunny days keep people at home', will no doubt be the next headline.


You've got to hand it to her - the tart running the airport clearly has a copy of 'Rodger the Dodgers' dodge book.


Does she really think people are that stooooopid? Well, yes, she obviously does.

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Happily, it's not been proven (yet) by research that onerous and difficult to interpret rules, petty regulations, pointless security checks* or expensive and lacklustre flight services are anything to do with the drop in demand for aeroplane travel.


I was up at 0530 this morning to drive my girlfriend to Ronalsway to catch the 0630 to London City (she had an important early meeting near Euston). The flight was delayed repeatedly and only finally departed at 1045.


No doubt she got a free coffee (I'm awaiting a telephone rant with details this evening). I don't suppose though that Aer Arann will be reimbursing the ticket or the hotel costs for tonight...


The aviation industry needs a complete overhaul.



* How many bombers have been arrested during routine security checks?

On the other hand, my recent holiday involved 4 flights. All of which were on time, or within 10 minutes or so, no problems with the price either. OK, the security thing is a bit if a drag, but the rules are hardly difficult to 'interpret'. The delays at security only spread out the whole 'waiting' thing anyway.


And surely the question is how many 'bombers' or 'hijackers' have been deterred by security checks?


Oh and one of my bags was not put on the return flight to the UK (the fault of the Airport / Ground handlers, not the airline). Found and delivered to the Island within 2 days. Not too shabby.

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Regency Travel has seen a big increase in bookings to the Isle of Man with no signs of bookings slowing down.


Since the start of July the agency has seen numbers looking to visit the Isle of Man double compared to earlier in the current summer season. This is in line with numbers released by the Department of Tourism and Leisure that showed an increase in visitors.


From the news section of manx.net, dated 9th September.


Given the latest missive from Reynoldsway the IOMSP are, presumably, making mega-bucks - or do these figures include the blue rinse brigade who spend 3 hours on the Island and then disappear into the horizon?

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I have just paid £115 for a return to Manchester leaving Monday and coming back Tuesday, a price which I considered excessive until I remembered that 8 years ago I paid exactly the same price for similar flights with Manx Airlines and considered it to be cheap at the time.

About 5 years ago the govt. announced that in order to increase tourism and airport traffic they were slashing the landing and handling fees at Ronaldsway, obviously this was just a tomporary measure, does anyone have a breakdown of taxes and charges and how they have risen and fallen over the last 10 years? It would make interesting reading.

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Regency Travel has seen a big increase in bookings to the Isle of Man with no signs of bookings slowing down.


Since the start of July the agency has seen numbers looking to visit the Isle of Man double compared to earlier in the current summer season. This is in line with numbers released by the Department of Tourism and Leisure that showed an increase in visitors.


From the news section of manx.net, dated 9th September.



So travel agents bookings are up, the tourist board is saying that visitors are on the increase ... but boat and air traffic is down. It does beg the question "How the f**k are visitors getting here if numbers are up but the number of passengers are down"


I'm betting that the DTL is talking through its arse.

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