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Spotify For Dummies !


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Thought I would try this out, visited home page and it is now saying its an invitation only beta...may have changed as from yesterday as far as I can see arrrgh !!


Anyone got any idea how I can get round this...preferably without having to pay or wait to be invited ?



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Ok so I have an invitation now (thanks Declan!) but still have a problem with the site saying my country is not available in my country.


Tried restarting router and eventually got an IP that indicated it was UK based and not IOM based.


Even installed a program called hotspotshield after reading some advice on using a proxy to access. Still the same problem.


Bit frustrating really. Any other ideas/suggestions ?



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  • 1 month later...
You could


1. Keep turning your router on and off until you get a "UK" IP Address.

2. Pay for Premium.

3. Use a proxy.

re quite good too.

I've worked on this problem and have informed Spotify and they are aware of it.


Basically IOM and UK count as different regions to them, so the 14 days traveling applies if you use Manx Telecom because sometimes you get IOM and some UK IP addresses.


The solution is:


To get someone else to log into your account using the correct IP range.


i.e. if signed up with manx telecom broadband and it has now stopped work because it thinks you are traveling then ask a friend with Wi-Manx to log in and see if that fixes is - if not then you are an IOM ip and need to reset your router or ask a friend on Manx Telecom to try. If you have no friends this will be difficult for you.


Bear in mind you only have to log on with the correct IP range once every two weeks for it to continue working.


Does this make sense?

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wazir, Declan-

Thanks for the quick replies, yes what you say makes sense but as I will only very rarely want to download stuff (I'm still in the dark ages and prefer to buy a 'real' CD) then it's not worth the hassle. Re-booting router / asking friends isn't worthwhile when there is only one single track I'm looking for.

Thanks again.


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wazir, Declan-

Thanks for the quick replies, yes what you say makes sense but as I will only very rarely want to download stuff (I'm still in the dark ages and prefer to buy a 'real' CD) then it's not worth the hassle. Re-booting router / asking friends isn't worthwhile when there is only one single track I'm looking for.

Thanks again.


Spotify isn't for downloading.


It's not like iTunes. It just a MASSIVE online library of music - you can listen to just about anything on there and it's legal but you have to listen to adverts or upgrade to premium.


It's well worth a look - I really think this is the future of music.

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