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Mega Drive Vs Snes, Who Gets Your Vote?


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A lot of people of a certain age grew up with either one of these, traditionally, it was one or the other unless you were lucky enough to have both.


My vote goes to the Mega Drive, since its what I had, and a lot of fond memories there. :D I did later get a SNES, but it didn't have the same sort of magic that the Sega games had.


As far as favourite games go, the Sonic and Mario games are a given, but theres also:





Super Bomberman


Mega Drive


Mega Bomberman

Gunstar Heroes


Home Alone

ToeJam and Earl



And then there are the cross platformers, like:



Desert Strike

Mega Lo Mania

Mortal Kombat

Theme Park



So who gets your vote?



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Clearly the megadrive.


All Nintendo consoles are shit.

Aw now thats not true, the Gamecube was pretty spiffy, its just a shame it didn't have so many games for it. The Wii would actually be great if someone also manged to make some grown-up games instead of shovelware like Imagine Herpes and such. <_<


The N64 was great fun too, especially multiplayer games like Goldeneye. :D

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To be fair the SNES came out a good year after the Megadrive so it was technically a better console. I remember getting F-Zero and Pilotwings and marvelling at the graphics.

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To be fair the SNES came out a good year after the Megadrive so it was technically a better console. I remember getting F-Zero and Pilotwings and marvelling at the graphics.

I guess at the time it was good, I try to play the likes of Starwing these days and it makes my eyes vomit. :lol:


The MD however, I believe had the better sound capabilities. :cool:

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I think tghere were both 8bit sound. Yep, just looked it up. Here are the specs




CPU: Motorola 68000 at 7.61 MHz

ROM: 1 MByte (8 Mbit)

RAM: 64 KByte

Co-processor: Z80 @ 4 MHz (Not Present in MK-1631) controls PSG (Programmable Sound Generator) & FM Chips

Sound RAM: 8 KBytes

Colors Available: 512

Colors on screen: 64

Pixel Resolution: 320 x 224

Graphics: VDP (Video Display Processor) dedicated video display processor, controls playfield & sprites. 3 Planes, 2 scrolling playfields, 1 sprite plane

VRAM: 64 KBytes (Video Ram)

CRAM: 64 x 9-bits (Color RAM)

Sound: PSG (TI 76489 chip) / FM chip (Yamaha YM 2612) / 6-channel stereo / 8 KBytes RAM Signal/Noise Ratio: 14dB




CPU type: 65c816 (16-bit)

CPU speed: 2.68 and 3.58 Mhz (change able)

RAM memory: 1 Mbit (128 Kbyte)

Picture Proc. Unit: 16-bit

Video RAM: 0.5 Mbit (64 Kbyte)

Max resolution: 512 x 448 pixels

Colors Available: 32 768 colors

Max colors at once: 256 colors

Max sprite size: 64 x 64 pixels

Max sprites: 128 sprites

Min/Max Cart Size: 2 Mbit - 48 Mbit

Sound chip: 8-bit Sony SPC700

Sound channels: 8

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The sound (just audibly) was far better on the Mega Drive though, which I assume is down to the sound chip difference. If you listen to cross platform games (just as means of a fair comparison) its a lot more noticable.


Desert Strike for example


Pretty kick-ass



Bit naff. -__-


Credit where its due though, Unirally had a fantastic soundtrack. :D


Skitchin will always have the best Mega Drive music for me though, though the fact its actually dont by real instruments then digitilised probably helps.

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Mega drive :


Sonic (all of them)

Desert strike (and Jungle strike)

Dick Tracy (always liked that game, have no idea why as it looks crap now) still got it somewhere.

Alien 3

PGA golf think it was 96' (crap game, but got a hole in one on my first ever play, amazed!!)





Also some game like the original R-type arcade version.

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Clearly the megadrive.


All Nintendo consoles are shit.

Aw now thats not true, the Gamecube was pretty spiffy, its just a shame it didn't have so many games for it. The Wii would actually be great if someone also manged to make some grown-up games instead of shovelware like Imagine Herpes and such. <_<


The N64 was great fun too, especially multiplayer games like Goldeneye. :D


What are you talking about? The Cube was a big... cube of shit! The 64 however had some of the best multiplayer games ever made - mario kart, goldeneye.


Snes Vs. Mega Drive?


Mega Drive FTW!

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