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Milk Strike


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And part of the reason why the uk and IOM want to keep farmers


no milk


price has gone up 30cents in 4 days in the price milk on the market,


half of france is tipping there milk away,

1000 farms in germany,

and 5 other countrys are starting to join in.



so be greatfull of home grown foods,

because this is just the start of it all

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just a little update


Austria is currently lacking 10% of the national amount of milk.

30% of the German milk amount was not delivered to the dairies

3 million litres were collected and had been placed on the fields.

50 per cent of the French farmers on strike.

70% in Black Forest

50% of the milk-volume of the one milks plant will be thrown away

15% of the amount of milk was not delivered in Italy



i think we can see milk prices riseing vary soon

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It isn't a necessity so there isn't going to be a crises over milk. But for those who really want milk it obviously is going to mean that people will be forking even more out on regular foodstuffs. Maybe I am being naive in this respect but I don't know how it would affect the Isle of Man.

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I was listening to MR yesterday and someone was saying there are now 25 less dairy farms less on the island than just a few short years ago, leaving about 40 on island at the moment. That it also costs dairy farmers something like 27p a litre to produce and they get paid 24p for it. If profit goes to the middle man and the supermarkets, clearly the model is not sustainable, and instead of dumping an extra cost on the consumer, I would prefer they redistribute the existing profits more fairly. Milk is a staple, we have/had legislation about bread here...so why not milk? The real 'milkers' are the supermarkets with their buying power, which ironically seems to be killing many businesses - which in itself IMO will no doubt force future price rises, simply based on supply and demand.

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