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Milk Strike


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"u should be paying double for it.


you all want it for northing "


Are you bleeding dense or just pretending?


Pay double for something that is already over priced?


I don't "want it all for nothing" I want it at a sensible price.


and ppl want to be paid a sensible price to produce it for you.

so its under priced to start with

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someone was saying ... it also costs dairy farmers something like 27p a litre to produce and they get paid 24p


So what is the incentive to produce it ? There has to be some missing number in this equation.


It cannot surely be a straight loss.

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someone was saying ... it also costs dairy farmers something like 27p a litre to produce and they get paid 24p


So what is the incentive to produce it ? There has to be some missing number in this equation.


It cannot surely be a straight loss.


thair aint one, thats why so many have left the milk,


the ones that are still holding in cant just stop producing just with a click of a finger, u have to downsize bit by bit.

in 5 years time u see the number drop to about 20-30 famers in milk

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Are you bleeding dense or just pretending?


Pay double for something that is already over priced?


I don't "want it all for nothing" I want it at a sensible price.

How is it over priced? The price distribution (supermarket/producer) is something most people would argue with, but the end price is hardly dear. If it's so over-priced why is the dairy industry in crisis?


A pint of milk used to cost roughly the same as a pint of beer, and there's been no massive breakthrough in production techniques of either.

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This was alaways going to happen after the introduction of the single farm payment.In a few more years there will be just a few farms with very big herds.


yes on the first point, and no on the second point.


im not sure what u would call a big herd in your head. on the island a big heard is maybe 150 cows,


of the top of me head i think there is only 2 farms with that many or more cows. and one of them is thinking of packing it in the next few years.

the rest of the farms could not get any bigger herds as it would cost prob from about half a million or more to take the numbers up to over 150.

and thats with out buying any more land or the stock. thats just the the set up needed

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"Milk is a staple, we have/had legislation about bread here...so why not milk?"

Maybe because it is not a staple. It doesn't form the basis of a necessary diet. People just drink a lot of it: put it on their cereal, in their tea, and cook with it. It is just popularly used.

As much as bread is used you mean?


Maybe a bit like a staple (n)


1. A principal raw material or commodity grown or produced in a region.

2. A major item of trade in steady demand.

3. A basic dietary item, such as flour, rice, or corn.




If I was a dairy farmer - I'd happily give you two acres anytime.




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But there isn't a middleman in the Island's case - the Creameries is a co-operative owned by the Island's diary farmers. I don't understand how they aren't paying themselves enough.

Hmmm...how do the finances/payback all work then? Worth knowing, especially if we are all potentially going to be bullshitted over a price rise here.

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