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Douglas The Dump


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Could be a lot worse..try a trip to Peel....


While the main road into Peel from Douglas is not very nice - through a housing estate - I think the town is looking a lot better recently. Is it Street Heritage or something similar involved with that?

I couldnt agree more, its Ramsey that lets the Island down! :(


Haven't been to Raaamsey in ages but PE and PSM are run-down and severely neglected.


Agreed, which makes it all the more annoying that the government bend over backwards to support the IBS (finance) but did absolutely f'all to save the Marine Biological Station which now stands as a slowly crumbling wreck at the end of one of the most scenic spots on the Island (c.f. landfill at the Ayres, out of site of Tynwald - out of mind), beyond the tangible benfits of the Bio station, it brought a steady stream of young people into the Island for the last 100 years many of whom stayed and set up their lives here, the void has been filled by ..... nothing ...... and the building stands empty, could they not have moved some government departments down to PE to use the building, bringing income to the area ?, the answer was no cause it was too far from Douglas, yet the Government promote us at the forefront of the 'Electronic / Digital Revolution', yet they can't run a department from 15 miles away from the centre of Government, its a joke. What will happen to the Bio station (and the 100 years of history it represents) it will collapse or be knocked down and I suspect nothing will replace it, very very sad, and totally demonstrative of the governments policy on towns / villages outside of Douglas, i.e. they don't give a f**k, I'm pretty sure that will be supported by how the 8m gets distributed, they'll use the argument that most of the population is in Douglas (given thats where all the work is) therefore the investment must be spent where the people are, but what of the rest of the Island are they just going to let it slowly fade into obscurity ?


As an aside, I was reading an 'Enquire Within' book about the Island from 1930, was stunned to read that there were over 2 million journeys taken on the horse trams that year - not related to the above comments - but I found that pretty amazing !


Developers would love to get their hands on that site.

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I bet they would. I go walking there most days and it must be one of the most under-used areas going. That whole spread of land from the bottom up could be made into something quite spectacular. It would extend the promenade and make Port Erin even more special than it already is. Can you imagine the views from the windows of the old biological station? It could be used for so many things but one that springs to mind would be a hotel/restaurant/bistro with outdoor seating. There's so much space up there, there's room for all that and more.


It would also be a perfect area to create a sea-life centre on a grand scale.


All it would need is the vison, the cash, the visitors, and a mighty big leap of faith. But I guess now is not the time for any of that. In the meantime I'll just keep walking and imagining.


Your first paragraph is great, simple, and is all that needs to be said.

But before your paragraph will ever be seen in a 'plan', it will cost many thousands of pounds.

Consultants, backhanders, calculated delays, .......

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just change your name to "I hate Ramsey" roo and save everyone the hassle of reading your posts

Where the fook did i say "i hate Ramsey" you silly silly man?

I am disgusted with the way my home town has been allowed crumble and lose all its attractions over the years and my opinions of the town do not come from hate of the town itself but for the people who have let it get this way, people like you who sit on their fat bleedin arses and do nothing for our town!

Let me ask you Rhumsaa where the hell were you when we were all on the streets trying to"Save our hospital"? No doubt on you fat arse in a pub somewhere!

Am i not allowed to have an opinion and every time i post are you going to be a twat to me for no reason??


If so this is fine but do not be suprised if i come back at you ten times more aggressive than you!

Why dont you save us both the trouble like a good lad, chill out and have yourself a pint of Guinness!!! ;)


what a hoop of rubbish


you don't half make a hell of a lot of assumptions - which make an ass out of u as the saying goes


Seeing as you don't have a time machine why bother moaning about the past and start thinking about the future - which includes being more positive about what Ramsey does have rather than bad mouthing the place to everyone on here whenever you have a chance


One of the reasons the town has such a terrible reputation is because of the likes of you sneering at everything in sight which does no good to the shops that are here now.


Supporting local business and the local town means a lot more than wheeling your thick face down the street every day looking down your nose at it all.



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The fact that important buildings such as the marine research building in Port Erin, and the pier in Ramsey have been allowed to fall into disrepair is one of the things that annoys me most about the government of the island. With a bit of imagination and investment, both could be transformed into important visitor attractions. God knows Ramsey needs it.

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with a bit of island wide marketing and proper planning the mooragh park could easily be a gem for the Island but it is forgotten about by the population - that place has not fallen into disrepair it's looking as good as ever

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I went to Ramsey for the first time in ages recently, and it is quite a nice town with lots of nice little shops.


To be quite honest I don't think any of the towns have attractions that pull people in from outside to any great extent. Douglas only does so well because most of the offices and shops are there. Once these close its as dead as anywhere else on the Island.


I don't really understand why people will only go out in the evenings at weekends. Oh no wait, I do.

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just change your name to "I hate Ramsey" roo and save everyone the hassle of reading your posts

Where the fook did i say "i hate Ramsey" you silly silly man?

I am disgusted with the way my home town has been allowed crumble and lose all its attractions over the years and my opinions of the town do not come from hate of the town itself but for the people who have let it get this way, people like you who sit on their fat bleedin arses and do nothing for our town!

Let me ask you Rhumsaa where the hell were you when we were all on the streets trying to"Save our hospital"? No doubt on you fat arse in a pub somewhere!

Am i not allowed to have an opinion and every time i post are you going to be a twat to me for no reason??


If so this is fine but do not be suprised if i come back at you ten times more aggressive than you!

Why dont you save us both the trouble like a good lad, chill out and have yourself a pint of Guinness!!! ;)



what a hoop of rubbish


you don't half make a hell of a lot of assumptions - which make an ass out of u as the saying goes


Seeing as you don't have a time machine why bother moaning about the past and start thinking about the future - which includes being more positive about what Ramsey does have rather than bad mouthing the place to everyone on here whenever you have a chance


One of the reasons the town has such a terrible reputation is because of the likes of you sneering at everything in sight which does no good to the shops that are here now.


Supporting local business and the local town means a lot more than wheeling your thick face down the street every day looking down your nose at it all.



Ok.... Lets be positive, which Ramsey hotel do you suggest for some friends of mine visiting from England in December?

I dont really expect an answer from you seeing as you havnt actually answered the 3 previous ones, but hey it will give you plenty of opportunity to flex those sort of muscles of yours and call me some really silly childish names and do a bit of swearing, i was lead to believe this was a forum for the grown ups!

And just for the record i have never looked down my nose at anybody or anything, untill today.

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Ok.... Lets be positive, which Ramsey hotel do you suggest for some friends of mine visiting from England in December?

I dont really expect an answer from you seeing as you havnt actually answered the 3 previous ones, but hey it will give you plenty of opportunity to flex those sort of muscles of yours and call me some really silly childish names and do a bit of swearing, i was lead to believe this was a forum for the grown ups!

And just for the record i have never looked down my nose at anybody or anything, untill today.


Do they have a time machine?


If not there are 2 hotels in Ramsey I can think of.

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Ok.... Lets be positive, which Ramsey hotel do you suggest for some friends of mine visiting from England in December?

I dont really expect an answer from you seeing as you havnt actually answered the 3 previous ones, but hey it will give you plenty of opportunity to flex those sort of muscles of yours and call me some really silly childish names and do a bit of swearing, i was lead to believe this was a forum for the grown ups!

And just for the record i have never looked down my nose at anybody or anything, untill today.


Do they have a time machine?


If not there are 2 hotels in Ramsey I can think of.

They do not have a time machine that i know of but feel free to advise me on the whereabouts of such item just in case its needed in December! :)

The 2 hotels you are thinking of, do either of them have a gym and swimming pool/Room with a balcony /Serve A la carte in the Restaurant and room service upstairs?

My friends like to stay in 3/4 star hotels as they unfortunately (their words) cant afford the 5 star hotels. They have not had a holiday/break for nearly 5 years so this Christmas they are wanting to push the boat out with (sort of) no expense spared.

They do not wish to stay in a guest house or public inn for that reason.

It would be great if they could stay in Ramsey or anywhere in the North but i have not managed to find anywhere that suits them yet, fingers crossed you can be of help.

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Ok.... Lets be positive, which Ramsey hotel do you suggest for some friends of mine visiting from England in December?

I dont really expect an answer from you seeing as you havnt actually answered the 3 previous ones, but hey it will give you plenty of opportunity to flex those sort of muscles of yours and call me some really silly childish names and do a bit of swearing, i was lead to believe this was a forum for the grown ups!

And just for the record i have never looked down my nose at anybody or anything, untill today.


Do they have a time machine?


If not there are 2 hotels in Ramsey I can think of.

They do not have a time machine that i know of but feel free to advise me on the whereabouts of such item just in case its needed in December! :)

The 2 hotels you are thinking of, do either of them have a gym and swimming pool/Room with a balcony /Serve A la carte in the Restaurant and room service upstairs?

My friends like to stay in 3/4 star hotels as they unfortunately (their words) cant afford the 5 star hotels. They have not had a holiday/break for nearly 5 years so this Christmas they are wanting to push the boat out with (sort of) no expense spared.

They do not wish to stay in a guest house or public inn for that reason.

It would be great if they could stay in Ramsey or anywhere in the North but i have not managed to find anywhere that suits them yet, fingers crossed you can be of help.


Sounds to me like your friends are as stuck up their own arse as you - makes sense


The Isle of Man is not so big that they can't travel from Douglas to see you.... if you are having a bleat that a town of 8000 population or so doesn't have a hotel with " a gym and swimming pool/Room with a balcony /Serve A la carte in the Restaurant and room service upstairs?" you clearly even more stupid than I thought... I thought you were pretty fucking thick I can tell you


If you look at something with such an unmovable point of view based upon amazingly unreasonable expectations it is grossly unfair to throw a tantrum that you don't get what you want from a small town on a small Island

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