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Warning: Treehuggers May Lie & Cheat


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Study Finds Purchasing Green Products Increases Your Likelihood to Lie, Cheat


Small acts of eco-kindness can make people more likely to cheat and steal.


In a recent paper by a pair of researchers at the University of Toronto, entitled "Do Green Products Make Us Better People?" the answer seems to be, eh, not completely. Although you may have done Mother Earth a favor, your unconscious might sway you to be less ethical with your fellow man.


yeah yeah - buying organic bread but cheating at the checkout - you green liers, you :)

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They've kind of assumed a causality between buying green products and unethical behaviour, but there could be other factors involved. Did they look at their sample group? Green products are primarily bought by wealthy middle/upper class people because they can afford the higher price, and it's those people who, in my experience, tend to be more dishonest and less altrusitic. That's how they got to be rich and upper class in the first place!

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