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Minister 'hired Illegal Worker'


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Baroness Scotland has sacked her housekeeper from Tonga, because she was allegedly working in the UK illegally.


The attorney general employed Loloahi Tapui, 27, for six months


She was a Home Office minister when laws were passed to fine bosses who employ illegal workers up to £10,000.


Downing St said Gordon Brown had "full confidence" in Baroness Scotland who says she hired Ms Tapui in "good faith" and thought she was entitled to work.


Anyone got a gardner called Bin Laden?

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What's the problem, the maid, who is married to a British national. gave her a NI number, tax was paid on her earnings by deduction so I assume she had a tax reference number also, both accepted by the government. What more can an employer do?

Or do you prefer a politician who is a director of a company that dumps toxic waste illegally in Africa killing and injuring thousands?

Spot the tory in those two.

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What's the problem, the maid, who is married to a British national. gave her a NI number, tax was paid on her earnings by deduction so I assume she had a tax reference number also, both accepted by the government. What more can an employer do?


But she is not the same person who presided over the introduction of the law that says it is the employers' responsibility to ensure that the persons they employ are not in the country illegally? There is no 'all reasonable lengths to ensure...' proviso - employ an illegal, even unknowingly, and you are breaking the law. People complained at the time that the law was unfair and their objections were brushed aside.


I think the phrase 'hoist on her own petard' is particularly apposite here.


And nothing about the business dealings of senior Conservative politicians surprises me.

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Au contraire


Attorney-General aide quits over migrant row


Stephen Hesford's resignation puts Baroness Scotland under more pressure to resign as over legal breach

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As this is hitting the headlines, what news are they really trying to bury? IMHO she has been made an example of as she is the first individual to have been fined under this law, the rest have been companies. If the maid had an NI number, Tax code and references what more could be done? The reason she got fined was that she did not keep copies of the employees documents, nothing else.


How many house on the Island have 'migrant' workers and haven't checked to see if they are legal and just pay them cash?

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