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Family History Ehibition - How We Lived


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Congratulations on the exhibition to date which is titled "HOW WE LIVED "

This is being held at St John's Hall, Glencrutchery Road Douglas and the two remaining dates left are;


Saturday 19th Sept 11am to 5pm

Sunday 20th Sept 11am to 4.30pm


The venue is superb and the many stands containing information from our past is extremely interesting. The response has been encouraging, even on such a late start (4pm) on the Friday.

There are 3 rooms with the main one containing information on the various organizations and particular interest of mine was the exhibition by the St Johns Ambulance and the clothing, equipment and background was superb.

The variety of publications for sale containing data from each parish, was again outstanding and many hours of research has been in my opinion, well worthwhile.

There was a good choice of rare books from Ian and one in particular is extremely rare (probably the only one I'll see in my life being one of the first Manx books in publication) and therefore out of the range of my pocket but for a collector...ahhh.


A side room contained a good collection of past Manx papers and it was interesting to note that Pat was mentioned as one of the bridesmaids (I didn't know papers were made then...haha.. you can get me later Pat)


The third room contains (Mmm.. the refreshment area where you could buy a cup of coffee, tea or cake - oh yes, where was I),

and there was an abundance of research material, including internet access to MY Past, Ancestry, Manx Genealogy, Isle of Man FHS website including Brian Lawsons material and with the additional benefits of the igi which is worth a days viewing in itself if you went to Peel or the Manx Museum.


There are a couple of important observations for me and that was seeing new people come in, join up and eagerly learn about their relations, but most importantly of all, watching experienced and keen genealogists, sharing their abundance of knowledge to those who are visiting.


In all, a great start and it's been a pleasure to be part of helping others discover the past and if you've ever been curious or want to know more, then please pop round and have a chat.

Slaynt vie,


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Oh boy, I wish I could be there for this event. Visited the House of Manannan while living there and loved the history. Now, this is quite a stretch, but from what I learned, the Isle of Man was first inhabited by Celts, and then invaded by the Vikings - who stayed and those subsequent generations became Manx. Is that correct? Here's the stretch.....as you all well know, Americans are, for the most part, a mix of nationalities. I'm part Scottish and Irish, as well as Danish......you can see where I'm going with this, can't you? So, perhaps along the way, I might have had an ancestor visit the island....or at the very least, because I got to live there.......maybe I sort of "belonged".............stop your laughing......maybe it was just a connection I imagined after learning how the island developed.......or perhaps it's the glass of pinot grigio helping me miss such a beautiful place.......................

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[Mintchip] Thank you for writing in and you would be correct in saying that the Manx have had one or two invaders over the years and wikipedia wouldn't be too far off the mark.

I'd be surprised if you didn't have a Manx connection somewhere along the line and it would be nice to think that you did. If you wish to PM me, I could let you know the likelihood of a connection (roughly based on original surname) and you may wish to take things up from there. :)


As for the Exhibition, WOW, what a day!

There was a tremendous amount of people popping in to see the exhibits, researching or passing time having a chat of yesteryear and it was refreshing and surprising to hear about stories about my relations which I knew nothing about.


Our stock of publications reference burial records, monumental inscriptions, births, addresses was severely but pleasantly dented as the information contained in them, is a must for persons researching parish records and one hopes that there will be some left for those who cannot make it later on in the afternoon.


Our close friends at Manx Heritage are working their socks off in getting things ready for the opening of the Manx Ancestry Centre

Manx Ancestry Centre info link

and the help from volunteers archiving the past records plus the help from the Museums staff has been outstanding. The teamwork between the two areas seems to be the key and personally, can't wait to get my hands on the high-tech equipment and information. Definitely a must for all researchers :thumbsup:


So our last day tomorrow for another year and if you haven't been down yet, then come along and I'd be happy to meet you and if you mention the following: 'Ta my haagh crowal lane dy astan' to Priscilla, you'll get a big smile from me :D

(Venue near Douglas TT grandstand on the opposite side of the road close to the sports/Gymnastic centre, where the road leads to the St John Ambulance centre) Sunday 20th Sept 11am to 4.30pm


If you can't make it, then you can still join the Isle of Man Family History Society by visiting our site;

IOMFHS website link


With that, I wish Mintchip and everyone well and look forward to meeting you at the exhibition


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An amazing weekend which was rounded off by a excellent turnout by researchers young and old and when I say young, there was one young lad (about 10) who is keenly following his parents footsteps in tracing his family tree. :thumbsup:


I don't want to write too much on the Local News Forum, as the Exhibition has now finished for another year and wouldn't want to impose on etiquette as it's unfortunately, not current now, but I will be writing a few pieces on the General Chat side explaining how to begin building a family tree including some do's and don'ts :blink:


So without further ado, I'd like to say that the Exhibition has been a great success with many new members, lots of new information shared and my hearty congratulations go towards the Isle of Man Family History Society committee, the helping volunteers, St John's Ambulance and to the many visitors who came and made the last few days extremely enjoyable.


I look forward to seeing our visitors again and to those who couldn't make it this year, pop along to our Society meetings sometime - 3rd Friday of the month but remember to check the Latest News section first Latest News IOMFHS


Best wishes, Paul

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