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Assisted Suicide Law 'clarified'


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The guidance does not represent a change in the law.


Assisting suicide is still illegal and carries a jail term of up to 14 years.


A tentative step in the right direction but it still doesn't fully address the issue of the right to die.

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These guidelines are long overdue, and it is only because of the efforts of a terminally ill woman who wanted to ensure that her husband would not be prosecuted if he assisted her in committing suicide that they have been published.


I think this should really settle the issue as far as the law goes, and effectively legalises provided certain conditions are met. To remove all legal barriers to assisted suicide would be a dangerous move. There may be motives or factors involved that would compromise the free will of the person committing suicide because of some outside influence, amongst other scenarios, and these guidelines set out conditions that make this illegal.

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