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Horse Owner Warnings On Manx.net


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So someone we haven't identified said something bad (which hasn't really been identified) about someone else we haven't identified, which might get mistakenly taken to be in relation to someone else who we haven't identified?


Have I got the gist of this topic?


Get in there, I'm right clever me.

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So someone we haven't identified said something bad (which hasn't really been identified) about someone else we haven't identified, which might get mistakenly taken to be in relation to someone else who we haven't identified?


Have I got the gist of this topic?


Get in there, I'm right clever me.




Someone we haven't identified said something bad (which hasn't really been identified) about someone else we haven't identified, which might get mistakenly taken to be in relation to someone else who we haven't identified? Somewhere else.

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But we don't know what happened, your OP didn't make it clear. From the replies nobody else knew what happened, or even that 'something' may have happened, so it was a bit difficult to get the sense of your post.


Funnily enough, this is not a horse forum, so the majority of us will have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

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Well thanks for your ridiculous replies about somethin that happended in the Isle of Man. Thought Manx forums would be the place to put it. Didn't realise i would get a load 'non' horsey comedians

It would have helped if we had half a clue what the fuck you were wittering on about . As previously mentioned you basically say don't believe the rumours that are circulating about a person who is a horse dealer without actually specifying what these rumours are or indeed what they even relate to , given that this isn't a HORSEY place we're not that likely to know who you are talking about let alone to give a flying fuck .

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Well thanks for your ridiculous replies about somethin that happended in the Isle of Man. Thought Manx forums would be the place to put it. Didn't realise i would get a load 'non' horsey comedians

It would have helped if we had half a clue what the fuck you were wittering on about . As previously mentioned you basically say don't believe the rumours that are circulating about a person who is a horse dealer without actually specifying what these rumours are or indeed what they even relate to , given that this isn't a HORSEY place we're not that likely to know who you are talking about let alone to give a flying fuck .

Do you really think we are interested?

The answer is Neigh....

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As I was previously unaware of the dramas going on in Horsey World, and would have been completely unaware of the rumours floating around on Manx.net classifieds for the rest of my life had it not been for Angel_1, I decided to investigate.


Hidden away in the dusty archives (19/09/09) of the livestock section, I unearthed what may well be the rumours that have rocked Horsey World like, erm, something that is renowned for rocking.


I share them with you all for the greater good of humanity. And horses. Please, tell your all friends that these rumours may or may not be true.


This is for anyone who is looking to loan or sell your horses and ponies. There is a horse dealer operating on the island claiming to take horses and ponies to there "forever" homes. When the truth of the matter is they will probably be sold within the week to the highest bidder, this is regardless of whether she has bought them or loaned them. The police will not get involved because apparently if you loan your horse and then it is sold or the person refuses to return it then it's not theft it's a "civil matter". I personally find this ridiculous but that is how the law stands. So it is up to you to protect yourself and your horse from this type of thing. Have written contracts even if it's for a week loan and most importantly ask ALL of your friends and friends of friends within the horse world about any prospective buyer or loan e. I have since found out that i am not the first one to have a run in with this woman. Unfortunatly the others weren't so lucky and never did get they're ponies back. The woman in question is widely known and just as widely disliked. So if you ask the questions your should be able to avoid being her next sap. You have been warned!!!


I am a different person posting this warning. I think I met this 'lady'!! some weeks ago when we advertised a horse. Let's just say she is extremely pushy and will try and engineer a decision about the horse's future there and then. When you ask for time to think about it, she gets quite nasty and tries to make you feel awkward and embarrassed. Luckily I was on hand to deal this this person and gave her short shrift...suggest you do the same. The info we had was that any horse especially thoroughbreds don't stay on her property for long before they disappear. So please listen to advice and do not let this woman intimidate you into driving of with your horse without seeking futher info on her or written evidence of intentions. Make sure anything is signed and witnessed by another person...two copies.
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