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[BBC News] Trainee Pc praised for sea rescue


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Are suicide bombers in Palestine heroes then? What about the 9/11 terrorists?


Clearly not.


They are spineless cowards who took the lives of innocents to futher their religious and political agenda.


And before you compare British Forces to those cowardly f*&k bag suicide bombers, the difference is the boys are they in a uniform fighting a enemy face to face. Not blowing up his wife and kids in a shopping centre.


How you can compare the bravery and heroism of the PC to suicide t*£ts just boils my blood.

Oh calm down, you've got yourself all worked up when I only proposed a question. I thought the questioning was obvious given your very cerebral Rambo definition I was responding to.


But you gave the definition "Live for nothing, die for something" - well in those simple terms a Palestinian suicide bomber could be considered a hero. They don't live for much in Gaza, but they find a cause in killing themselves and others.


And I think you are completely ignoring the reason why asymmetic warfare takes place in levelling claims of cowardice at these killers. They don't have the capability to fight face-to-face. But more than that, they have nothing to lose in their minds. That is how desperate and empty their lives are in that region, though admittedly the fervent belief in Islam makes it easier to come to the decision to kill oneself.


I actually think it takes a lot of bravery to blow oneself up, though again this may be mitigated the strong and foolish belief in the afterlife with Allah.


And do the British forces not fight for a political agenda? British soldiers may be employer to 'not think' and have principles when it comes to being employed in the British army in the sense of not choosing what is right or what is wrong, they just do. But to say they are not fighting for an agenda is to have NO IDEA as what purpose they have.

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Not really. Indiscriminant suicide bombing against innocent women and children not in a war zone is the lowest form of warfare in my opinion. That and child soldiers.
And the way Western armies conduct warfare is the highest? I have issue with that. What difference does it make to go and kill a civilian on purpose than it is to accidentally drop a bomb on someone's home? Oh but wait, we have to recognise that it was a certainty of war, these things ok, so it is ok then.


Warfare as conducted by nation states is really low stuff. It is simply not a game that everyone can play, so they find more ingenious yet singularly ugly ways of trying to gain leverage against those are more powerful when it comes to conventional warfare.

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Not really. Indiscriminant suicide bombing against innocent women and children not in a war zone is the lowest form of warfare in my opinion. That and child soldiers.
And the way Western armies conduct warfare is the highest? I have issue with that. What difference does it make to go and kill a civilian on purpose than it is to accidentally drop a bomb on someone's home? Oh but wait, we have to recognise that it was a certainty of war, these things ok, so it is ok then.


Warfare as conducted by nation states is really low stuff. It is simply not a game that everyone can play, so they find more ingenious yet singularly ugly ways of trying to gain leverage against those are more powerful when it comes to conventional warfare.


You sort of answered your own question there. One is done intentionally and the other by accident.

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Yes, BUT the problems is that such accidents unfortunately appear to be something more than a habit. They are understood to be a certain factor in conducting conventional warfare, especially when it involves the United States' and European countries distaste at having its own soldiers killed by bringing in strategic air bombardment.


When such accidents are inevitable, does it really make much difference?

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A well done to the officer, Its easy to say its what he should have done. I was witness to a similiar situation a number of years ago outside the Venue and in that situation the officer also assisted in the rescue of a young lady from the water, similiar distance etc, this one did not make the press though at the time. The officer was happy about this as was the other person involved. So i believe that its likley most people on the rock would help, I think the only thing that would hold them back is not fear fro their own safty but rather the fear that they would fail.

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