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Elections In Germany


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yes, yes, Angie has won her second term in power - great stuff'n all, but not really the best news story from yesterday.


The best story is this:


Germany's Pirate Party to secure state funding after general election success


Germany's Pirate Party, which scored 0.9% of the vote in the recent European elections, has more than doubled its support in the space of three months. In the national German elections, which took place yesterday, the pirates obtained a 2% share. That is the equivalent to 900,000 votes.


Although the party has not achieved the 5% necessary to get representation in parliament, it will now qualify for state funding. Combine this with the fact that its membership has been growing at a rapid rate over the last year or so and I think it is fair to say that a new political force is establishing itself in Europe's most populous and economically significant country.


Wuhu! And no prizes for guessing that their view of the internet is pretty libertarian.


Bring on the Pirates! :)

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