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Should Polanski Pay?


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"Blah blah the age of consent in some countries is x and in other countries its y" etc etc

Roman Polanski chose to DRUG AND SODOMISE a 13 yr old in a state where age of consent is 18 so by their definition he is immediately guilty of statutory rape .The fact that he drugged the girl makes it even more serious so by that states definition he is a rapist and paedophile therefore he should pay whatever penalty that state decides to mete out .

I really can't get my head round the fact people are trying to defend this cunt .

Re Miss Roo

If I caught a 21yr old bloke in bed with my 13 yr old daughter I would give him 3 choices .

A : I inform the police and he ends up on sex offenders register etc .

B : I put him in hospital , but no police therefore no sex offenders register and I'd ask for a guarantee that he never contacts my daughter again .

C : I let my wife deal with him , which would probably involve him losing 2 of his closest friends .

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While you think up legalities to excuse your bag of yeast behaviour?


Not quite sure what your trying to say there..."bag of yeast"? Must be a Manx saying.


I'm not trying to excuse anything through legalities. Your just trying to portray me as something I am not.


Thanks for adding to the conversation though.

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Why don't you and Hboy get back to Your Jeremy Kyle show while the adults carrying on with the grown discussion.


Grown up discussion from you? Don't make me laugh. I've gone back through this thread and there are more posts disagreeing with you than agreeing with you. It sort of suggests that most posters think that your talking complete shite.

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Why don't you and Hboy get back to Your Jeremy Kyle show while the adults carrying on with the grown discussion.


Grown up discussion from you? Don't make me laugh. I've gone back through this thread and there are more posts disagreeing with you than agreeing with you. It sort of suggests that most posters think that your talking complete shite.


Just because idiots shout louder doesn't make them any more correct. You prove that every time you touch a keyboard.

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If I caught a 21yr old bloke in bed with my 13 yr old daughter I would give him 3 choices .

A : I inform the police and he ends up on sex offenders register etc .

B : I put him in hospital , but no police therefore no sex offenders register and I'd ask for a guarantee that he never contacts my daughter again .

C : I let my wife deal with him , which would probably involve him losing 2 of his closest friends .

Hmm well before you loose it and beat him up - or set your wife on him - you would hopefully feel obligated to report him him to the police so that other 13 year old girls might be spared the same experience as your daughter. After all, if someone else had reported him instead of beating him up and letting him move on, he might not have been in a position to gain access to another child to abuse.

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