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Should Polanski Pay?


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And are you a doctor? Or an expert in sexual reproductive maturity? Did you examine the girl in question?


No and neither are you. I'm just some dick who posts crap on here - just like you. Like your an expert on fucking anything either. Ha, ha.


So that will be you out of anything intelligent to post (not that anything you've posting on the subject can be classed as such).


Your the dick posting crap. I stuck to the facts.


Thanks for turning up though.

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And are you a doctor? Or an expert in sexual reproductive maturity? Did you examine the girl in question?


No and neither are you. I'm just some dick who posts crap on here - just like you. Like your an expert on fucking anything either. Ha, ha.


So that will be you out of anything intelligent to post (not that anything you've posting on the subject can be classed as such).


Your the dick posting crap. I stuck to the facts.


Thanks for turning up though.


You really are such a cock.


Your own personal vanity will not even tolerate the perception that you might have lost an internet argument.


God there must be so much going on in your life.


I'm off to have sex and drink beer.


You go back to tampering with your little doggy.

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And are you a doctor? Or an expert in sexual reproductive maturity? Did you examine the girl in question?


No and neither are you. I'm just some dick who posts crap on here - just like you. Like your an expert on fucking anything either. Ha, ha.


So that will be you out of anything intelligent to post (not that anything you've posting on the subject can be classed as such).


Your the dick posting crap. I stuck to the facts.


Thanks for turning up though.


You really are such a cock.


Your own personal vanity will not even tolerate the perception that you might have lost an internet argument.


God there must be so much going on in your life.


I'm off to have sex and drink beer.


You go back to tampering with your little doggy.


I'm eargly awaiting the point at which I lost this discussion. Because as far as I can see your position is "I'm right, because I say so."


Again you have nothing of value to add to a discussion so you resort to personal insults. Tampering with my little dog? Please, next you'll be offering me out for a fight.


And what a full, interesting life you must have. Beer and sex eh? Wow you pinnacle of human endeavour.

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But MilitantDogOwner is really just getting at the legality of it. Not making comment on the morality of it.

Yeah but there's got to be an arguement about something every day!


What you call an arguement, I call a discussion.

And what you call a discussion i call an argument!


Whats to discuss or even argue about?

Polanski is a peodophile, he sexually abused a child or possibly even children and for that he should be in prison with other criminals being used as someones bitch (daily).

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But MilitantDogOwner is really just getting at the legality of it. Not making comment on the morality of it.

Yeah but there's got to be an arguement about something every day!


What you call an arguement, I call a discussion.

And what you call a discussion i call an argument!


Whats to discuss or even argue about?

Polanski is a peodophile, he sexually abused a child or possibly even children and for that he should be in prison with other criminals being used as someones bitch (daily).


That I did not argue. You appear to be another post skimmer, picking out the most sensational parts of a post and missing the point.


I agree with you. He broke the law and should be punished for it. I mearly stated that if this had happened in another country it would be rape not child rape. Thats the point you've skated over.

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Given he didnt commit the rape in "another country", then what is the law where the crime took place? Crime and time comes to mind.

Other counties laws are unimportant in the context of his criminality.

In what way does he differ from Gary Glitter?

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But MilitantDogOwner is really just getting at the legality of it. Not making comment on the morality of it.

Yeah but there's got to be an arguement about something every day!


What you call an arguement, I call a discussion.

And what you call a discussion i call an argument!


Whats to discuss or even argue about?

Polanski is a peodophile, he sexually abused a child or possibly even children and for that he should be in prison with other criminals being used as someones bitch (daily).


That I did not argue. You appear to be another post skimmer, picking out the most sensational parts of a post and missing the point.


I agree with you. He broke the law and should be punished for it. I mearly stated that if this had happened in another country it would be rape not child rape. Thats the point you've skated over.

I am most certainly not a skimmer, but what is the point of pointing out "if it was in another country" it would be this and it would be that!

If's and buts are NOT relevent in this discussion.

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Well I am entitled to an opinion. And I won't be bullied or brow beaten by anyone.


To each his own and all that.


I don't think anyone tried to bully you or brow beat you - reading the thread they were actually trying to tell you that you were plain wrong. As most people have pointed out the crime happened in the USA; under US laws the guy is a paedophile because he had sex with a 13 year old. What relevance does it have saying "The age of consent in Spain is 13"? Because it is meaningless in this context.


Its also been pointed out that older people who have sex with 13 year olds are paedophiles regardless of the specific age of consent and I believe that too. A 13 year old is barely able to consent as they are seldom, rarely, sexually mature enough to distinguish sexual pressure from a grown up from love or whatever else and any grown man making sexual advances to a 13 year old has pretty serious psychological issues if you ask me.


But you started this whole tirade about having sex with 13 year olds being acceptable ... if you are in a certain country and I'm sorry you can debate law but what it looked to me that you were trying to do is condone that sort of behaviour on the grounds that it is "legal" in some countries.



Right from the start I said that RP is bang to rights and what he did was wrong. Anyone proves me wrong I will give them £10.


"But you started this whole tirade about having sex with 13 year olds being acceptable".


No I didn't. Again people are reading what they want to read. I said in other countries the age of consent is lower and he wouldn't be convicted of sex with a minor but that the case would be a case of rape.


"Its also been pointed out that older people who have sex with 13 year olds are paedophiles regardless of the specific age of consent and I believe that too"


It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. The law is the law. If you really have an issue with this get in contact with the Spanish Embassy and take it up with them.


"What relevance does it have saying "The age of consent in Spain is 13"? Because it is meaningless in this context."


I was pointing out that one countries paedophile is another countries non-paedophile.


"I'm sorry you can debate law but what it looked to me that you were trying to do is condone that sort of behaviour on the grounds that it is "legal" in some countries."


Wrong. So very wrong. I do not condone rape. In any form. With an adult or a minor. If "that sort of behaviour" is sex with a person of the legal age of consent is legal in some countries thats their business. I showed that almost 50% of Europe, you know that forward thinking continent we're in, must condone it other wise they would all have a higher age of consent.


So far you all have taken what I've typed, twisted it and got "MDO is a paedo lover."


I'm just shocked at the level of misunderstanding you are all displaying. I detest paedophiles.


I was trying to take part in a discussion without resorting to emotive langauge, swearing or accussing anyone of anything. Obviously thats par the course for some on this forum who don't know how to stick to the facts.

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I agree with the "he is a bag of yeast" sentiments and find your reasoning/justification a bit worrying MDO.


I'm not justifying anything. Just pointing out the emotive language that gets used in this sort of situation.


Its the same arguement about terrorism. One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.

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