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Should Polanski Pay?


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Actually the average of consent in Europe is 15.5. With Spain being at 13 and the Vatican state being 12. You know the Vatican, the headquaters of the Catholic Church.

I thought the Vatican City age of consent being 12 only referred to chiorboys?

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I was pointing out that one countries paedophile is another countries non-paedophile.


You really do get quite animated and girly when people fail to accept what you have posted. Any way this thread is long enough and I don't want to be abused by you like other people have been for expressing their views.


Suffice to say previous posters have said (and I agree with them) that regardless of the "legality" of the situation any 44 year old man who enjoys having sex with 13 year old girls is a paedo regardless of the whether 13 is legally over the age of consent in any particular country. It might be legal but likely he's still a dirty old f**ker with deep psychological issues if shagging 13 year olds floats his boat.


Someone previously tried to clarify what the dictionary definition of a paedo was and established it as someone who has a sexual attraction to children. I think at 13 (whether its legal or not in whatever country) any 44 man who does that would fit the bill. That's all.


To whom I have been abusive?


Everything you have said is based on emotive statements and opinions. I only stated the facts. You know, the things that aren't based on emotional outbursts.


It seems that reading comprehension is all time low for some here. I have several times (and once in captials so as to make bleeding unmistakeable) stated that RP is a paedo. He raped a child for heavens sake. I only meantioned the status of other countries because I thought we were having an adult conversation.

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In the country that he committed the crime and was subsequently convicted, it's a pretty straight forward thing.


And you are correct in every way, but you have missed my point.



This is me agreeing with Ans that he did indeed break the law and should be punished.




1. "noun. an adult who is sexually attracted to children". The law of the land decides who is a child and who is not. Soooo if a countries law states that 13 year olds can have sex...can you see where I am going with this or do you need the crayon version.


2. Just because the above statement is true it does not mean I agree with it. But then its all okay because hboy is here to tell every nation in the world how to make their laws to fit his sensabilities.


3. The reason I used caps on my closing statement is because you've got it into your head that I am supporting paedophiles and I was clarifying for you.


So for one last time...


I agree that Roman Polanski did indeed break the law by having sex with a 13 year old without her consent and that it was a disgusting act.



I agree with you. He broke the law and should be punished for it. I mearly stated that if this had happened in another country it would be rape not child rape. Thats the point you've skated over.


Anyone care to point out where I am disagreeing that RP should be punished for what he has done?

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MDO you have pointed out that in other countries it is ok and legal to have sex with a child, we know this but why would you even state this?

The young girl wasnt making love or having sex SHE WAS RAPED and SODOMIZED and this is why your comment seemed to be a little unusual, (for me anyway, i must not talk for others).

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MDO you have pointed out that in other countries it is ok and legal to have sex with a child, we know this but why would you even state this?

The young girl wasnt making love or having sex SHE WAS RAPED and SODOMIZED and this is why your comment seemed to be a little unusual, (for me anyway, i must not talk for others).


I'm not sure why your empathizing the raped and sodomized part of your statement. No-one has said otherwise.


I was making a point about the use of the term paedophile and its applicability depending on national concensus (probably not the right word but if for example the people of countries if a low censent age weren't happy with it then maybe they would get the law changed).


I do apologize if anyone was upset by my statement but do not believe it was incorrect, from a factual and legal perspective.

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MDO you have pointed out that in other countries it is ok and legal to have sex with a child, we know this but why would you even state this?

The young girl wasnt making love or having sex SHE WAS RAPED and SODOMIZED and this is why your comment seemed to be a little unusual, (for me anyway, i must not talk for others).


I'm not sure why your empathizing the raped and sodomized part of your statement. No-one has said otherwise.


I was making a point about the use of the term paedophile and its applicability depending on national concensus (probably not the right word but if for example the people of countries if a low censent age weren't happy with it then maybe they would get the law changed).


I do apologize if anyone was upset by my statement but do not believe it was incorrect, from a factual and legal perspective.


You won't get anywhere with these people, MDO. Every post from Hboy pulses with rage and hate. He's not interested in facts. He is not concerned with the fact that the medical definition (in other words, the real one) of paedophilia means being attracted to PRE-PUBESCENT kids, not teenagers.


The charges of rape were dropped. Polanski admitted to sex with a minor as part of a plea bargain.


I am not condoning Polanski's actions, but I don't understand the self-important rage of some people here. There have been far, far, worse acts committed in the thirty years since this event, and yet you would think Polanski was worse than Stalin the way Hboy is behaving.


To me, sending British troops to death on a false prospectus is immeasurably worse than what Polanski did. As is destroying the jobs and life-savings of millions of people, which is what Fred the Shred did.


I do feel that people have got this very much out of proportion.



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Just joining in with the Devil's advocacy, but is there any evidence to confirm that this girl had actually started puberty? 13 isn't freakishly rare to have not.

It is also not freakishly rare for a girl of 13 to look much, much older than she actually is. As Sebrof (I think) said, where were the parents, and why was this (as she put it herself) sexually experienced minor allowed to model?

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To me, sending British troops to death on a false prospectus is immeasurably worse than what Polanski did.

Come off it Sebrof - the Suez Crisis was over fifty years ago!


Times have changed. They have free votes in the HOC and everything these days.

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