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Only In The Iom


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There are two further important issues here imho.


Firstly how many folks actually complain about OTT security goons? I suspect it's only me. The reason I've been given in the past is that "It's for your own security" which elicited a reply from me that "Being rude has nothing whatsoever to do with my security". The British don't like complaining about anything and will stoically put up with all sorts of crap. Security personnel can do an effective job without being rude, surely and generally unpleasant. If they are then complain. If you don't complain then nothing will change so continuing crap service will then be your own fault.


Secondly security goons have no powers of arrest or detention. So the Island's Finest would have been next in line in this particular food chain. IMHO it should have resulted in a caution and that would have been the end of it. It wasn't. Someone should be asking why not...


Good point.

Who is responsible for the provision of security at Ronaldsway and who should complaints about the service be addressed to at


a) The company employing the security staff - in cases of rudeness etc?


b) Ronaldsway itself?


c) The manx Government in cases where as previously mentioned in this topic, business visitors are dreading the heavy handed -as compared to other airports - approach here?

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And how far precisely do you think that will get you?

Someone lacking in person to person skills to such an extent that it is pissing most people off is unlikely to respond favourably and more likely to be even more officious and obstinate.


If the issue is in personal skills then that is a training issue to be brought up at a higher level which is where any resolution can be implemented from.


It is quite possible to effect a very good level of unobtrusive security with the right people with the right skills who have been well trained, it is more difficult to do so with oafs of limited ability with a prison camp guard mentality.

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My forum visits had become so much less stressful and full of irritation since putting you "on ignore" LDV.


No offence meant, but rather than enter into discussion with you I found it so much easier to just remove your posts.


This thread I am interested in and not unreasonably I decided to use a single click of the mouse button to see how you were going to foul up this thread. I was surprised to find that what you had said was, for once, not complete and utter shite and was actually contributed a reasonable opinion.




Edited to add:

4,569 posts. 1 good one. Well done.

You really were taking a risk clicking that button, especially when 4,569 posts were apparently causing stress and irritation.
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Maybe if he'd just taken his shoes off like asked none of this would have happened.


I don't think anyone disagrees with this - it's the heavy handed and frankly OTT response to his foolishness that most people have a problem with. A severe bollicking, missing his flight and sending him on his way with a caution would have him saying to his friends and family, "don't ever make a joke at airport security, it's not worth the hassle". Whereas now he's probably saying to his friends and family, "Isle of Man, what a shower of over zealous c*nts, don't ever go there".

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What is regretable is that the 'airport security' brainwashing process has permeated to the very highest levels of the establishment (our head judge) without an questioning of the process itself.


Airport security has become a multi-million dollar industry, the bulk of which is nothing but window dressing to assuage the pathological need of politicians to be seen to be doing something. Terrorist threat to the Isle of Man - zero. Cost - totally out of proportion. Enemy - immediately identifiable so let the 99.99999999999% of the rest of us just get on with our lawful business and not have to prove that we don't intend to bring the aircraft down everytime we board an aircraft.

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I've bossed a few dogs about in my time! :whistling:



Your Mrs told me she was always in charge...lol


Who said anything about his missus? :P


Security....a multi million pound industry.....all for YOU, cheah right.



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The Isle of Man can be a very oppressive place. Most of us daren't complain about anything in case we somehow get reprisals from the establishment.


Let's get something absolutely in the open here, there is a large element of our society that will gain extreme pleasure by metaphorically shagging you well and truly up the arse. Because they can. I've known that for a fact for over 40 years.


Why are so many people on manxforums 'anonymous'? OK there are a number of reasons but if you look at other local forums in the UK then you find a lot more people openly expressing their opinions without fear of the big boys shitting all over them.


This matter surprises me none. There are far worse cases than this that don't get publicity. Far worse.


To be fair, I suppose High Bailiff Michael Moyle was not able to be seen in any way condoning what the bloke said.


But I think he could have made an utter cunt of the guy without making one of himself as well, along with the thin blue line that is at the forefront of holdiing together our very liberty and freedom down there at the airport and them too in the police station and also the wigs in the Attorney General's offices.


What a fucken farce. I wonder do the police involved, Attorney General's office, airport security staff and High Bailiff feel they have done a fine day's work here. I see them as utter cunts. Perhaps they will appear on Manx Radio to justify their work here.


It will be a reet good laugh.


I totally agree but would say is as opposed to can be a very oppressive place.


There is a burdensome bureaucracy applying a plethora of petty rules and regulations.


I'm sick of being asked where I got cash from everytime I pay some in.

A mate of mine pulled a grand in cash and asked for it in 50s - he was putting down a deposit on a flat. He was asked why he wanted HIS OWN FUCKING MONEY and what he wanted it for.

There's obviously a balance somewhere but these tinpots have tipped it too far.


The IOM needs a good cull.


We're continually told it's for our own good but it's not.

This place is rapidly becoming a repressive bannana republic .



Run by a smug old boys club.

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What is regretable is that the 'airport security' brainwashing process has permeated to the very highest levels of the establishment (our head judge) without an questioning of the process itself.


Airport security has become a multi-million dollar industry, the bulk of which is nothing but window dressing to assuage the pathological need of politicians to be seen to be doing something. Terrorist threat to the Isle of Man - zero. Cost - totally out of proportion. Enemy - immediately identifiable so let the 99.99999999999% of the rest of us just get on with our lawful business and not have to prove that we don't intend to bring the aircraft down everytime we board an aircraft.


A good post.


Although to be pedantic, High Bailiff Michael Moyle is not the head judge, there are the First, Second and Deputy Deemsters above him (plus various established temporary Deemsters) and as from January 2009, any amount of temporary Deemsters selected on a case-by-case basis from the ranks of Advocates of Athol and beyond.

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What is regretable is that the 'airport security' brainwashing process has permeated to the very highest levels of the establishment (our head judge) without an questioning of the process itself.


Airport security has become a multi-million dollar industry, the bulk of which is nothing but window dressing to assuage the pathological need of politicians to be seen to be doing something. Terrorist threat to the Isle of Man - zero. Cost - totally out of proportion. Enemy - immediately identifiable so let the 99.99999999999% of the rest of us just get on with our lawful business and not have to prove that we don't intend to bring the aircraft down everytime we board an aircraft.

Too true.


Plus - IMO it's not racist to say we are generally being targeted by over-zealous over-religious fanatical muslims. They tend to stick out in the crowd, so neither is it racist to profile them and not grannies. We never had any of this crap with the IRA over 25 years.


Quarterly test of the Siren system tomorrow - 11am. Cripes knows how much that all costs and all the shenanigans and civil defence fancy vans, yellow jackets and 'look at me I'm in the civil defence' brigade that goes with it.


Some people are living in cloud cuckoo worry land and need a reality check, never mind a security check. If the siren ever goes off and we ALL have to go indoors, my bet is we'd be pretty f**ked anyway, siren or no siren.


I live in the Isle of Man in 2009, not Czechoslovakia or Hungary in 1959.

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We never had any of this crap with the IRA over 25 years.


No not quite true. A few years back everyone traveling from Dublin to IOM had to fill out a card and basically sign it to say you weren't a terrorist. Then when you landed everyone was corralled into a porta-cabin while they checked through the cards. I remember being stuck in a porta-cabin for nearly an hour on a stifling hot day - babies, old ladies all stuck in the heat for a stupid long time with no water or refreshments available. Very degrading for everyone.

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