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Rule Brittania


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Fucking scum. It's her home and she is happy there, and I assume the others are too. That SHOULD be all that matters. I appreciate that in the society we live in that finances matter and cuts need to made in some areas but there does appear to be a callousness in how the decisions and feelings of those whose homes these places are given a say. It may be state funded, but it is their home.

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I don't see the problem. If they have to close an old peoples home because it's below acceptable standards, surely "having old people in it" isn't a reason not to. Better that than ten old folk burning to death because the place is unsafe, surely?

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That's quite an assumption. I'd assume care homes fall under national statutory regulations and the local council have their hands tied. Do you really think a local council can justify a £2 million expenditure to house 19 old people?

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