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Crazy Parents Kill Their Daughter


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sounds like it could have been the brethren.


When it comes to decency and good morality there's not a lot wrong with The Brethren.

For starters they teach their kids all the mumbo jumbo about God and Jesus and THEN all the shite about the coming end of the world (age, or whatever). It's child abuse, but of the mind.


I do agree that religion is a comfort blanket for those unable to face reality, but when it comes to religions they’re far better than most.


I also fully agree that indoctrinating kids with a belief in God / Gods / whatever does amount to child abuse.

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sounds like it could have been the brethren.


When it comes to decency and good morality there's not a lot wrong with The Brethren.

For starters they teach their kids all the mumbo jumbo about God and Jesus and THEN all the shite about the coming end of the world (age, or whatever). It's child abuse, but of the mind.


I do agree that religion is a comfort blanket for those unable to face reality, but when it comes to religions they’re far better than most.


I also fully agree that indoctrinating kids with a belief in God / Gods / whatever does amount to child abuse.

I can agree with that, having been forced to go to church as a child and forced to listen to the bollocks that was being spouted i feel it did me no real favours in terms of education, it just made me run in the opposite direction.

I do feel so sorry for the children of the JW's though, having gone to school with one child abuse does spring to mind, its very sad really especially when medical intervention is needed and refused!

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Of cause if they had been more open minded they would have seen god trying to help by providing the doctors, medicine, and hospital that would have been saved her.


What do people expect? Miracles?


God doesn't work in mysterious ways he just gives you the facilities to make your own choice.


Assuming god exists that is, which I highly doubt but science compels me to keep and open mind.

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Paaaah! The mentalist, she doesn't even mention Adam or Eve, nor Noah, these educatid people huh, what ever next? It's not a bad idea, certainly puts a few things in place...like the other planets, God was losing his grip, now I'm a believer, its all so much more believable now.


Back to thread...I'm sure the parents of that girl, well, I'm not sure of anything really, how did they get so thick? How can people be so ignorant? Trust in the Lord, you bloody idiots, LISTEN to your own shit, the Lord created man, he made some men so clever that they could fix broken people, a bit like Jesus, I wonder if they had been parents from the bible days would they have then, refused Jesus to heal the child? Prison is no help to these people they need educating. Goodness me, all the religious people I know, know exactly how to twist the word of God to suit their own needs......amen x

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