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Nobel Peace Prize


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So someone famous gets it and suddenly everyone thinks they are an expert on the criteria. Quelle surprise.


Can anyone name last years winner off the top their head? No.


After 8 years of the most damaging US foreign policy of all-time, he has made a massive difference.

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I suppose the assumption is that the Prize are for those who completely advocate peace and have a long track record of helping ensure peace across the world. Whereas the prize doesn't involve such criteria. It does strike the layman as bizarre, however, that the President of one of the most belligerent nations receives such an award, especially in light of the current conflict in Afghanistan and troop number increases in the region.

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When the past nominations were released it was discovered that Adolf Hitler was nominated in 1939 by Erik Brandt, a member of the Swedish Parliament. Brandt retracted the nomination after a few days. Other infamous nominees included Joseph Stalin and Benito Mussolini. However, since nomination requires only support from one qualified person, all nominations do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Nobel committee itself.


So it took Erik Brandt a couple of days in 1939 to come to the conclusion that Adolf Hitler wasn't a good choice.......

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