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Is Michael O'leary A C**t?


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Interesting to compare Ryanair and Virgin in terms of their bosses


O'Leary was one of a family of six children who worked hard to become an accountant before taking Ryanair into the big time


Richard Branson was the son of a Barrister and grandson of a Privy Councillor who attended Stowe School and was hopeless as a scholar, but still managed to build the Virgin multi brand empire


My take on it is that O'Leary is a modern, single minded corporate cost-cutting number cruncher who puts the bottom line first and couldn't give a fuck about customers or staff


Branson is a charming upper class hippy who's success is down to innovation, personal popularity and clever publicity


Which would you rather be sat next to on a long haul flight ?


So to answer the original question: yes, Michael O'leary is a cunt

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