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Ex-boyzone Star Found Dead


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I must say the backlash is going a bit far. Certainly, disagee with Moir, express your opposition to her article, complain to the paper, but petition No 10 for her sacking? So as liberals we think that it'd be a good thing that the government were able sack newspaper columnists if enough people disagree with them?


Seems like a poetic comeuppance for the whole Woss and Brand campaign the Mail pounded against the BBC.

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It’s almost funny the way the dissolute howl when someone like Moir dares to tell it like it is.


She didn’t criticise him for being a homosexual but instead for the unhealthy way he and his kind live – And by his kind I don’t mean homosexual people, I mean promiscuous creatures with the morality of the gutter and living on the fringes of society.

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It’s almost funny the way the dissolute howl when someone like Moir dares to tell it like it is.


She didn’t criticise him for being a homosexual but instead for the unhealthy way he and his kind live – And by his kind I don’t mean homosexual people, I mean promiscuous creatures with the morality of the gutter and living on the fringes of society.

For fucks sake Rog with stuff like that you are making LDV's statements look quite sane and logical. This is the 21st century where teachings of some long dead brainwashing prophets hypocrites no longer holds any water. Get with it man nothing wrong with bonking or having a drink and in some cases many have managed to get along as decent working people holding good jobs whilst still enjoying a snort of Columbian marching powder for many years. Get off the moral high ground afterall you are the one who has previously advocated the genocide of all Palistinians (an idea I believe you stole from some little Austian hypocrite in the past I think).

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For fucks sake Rog with stuff like that you are making LDV's statements look quite sane and logical. This is the 21st century where teachings of some long dead brainwashing prophets hypocrites no longer holds any water.


This has got nothing to do with religion and everything to do with decent living.


The issue isn’t about what you want to put into who or where but about living a decent life, not going around on one night stands, not using drugs, not being, well, dissolute. It’s about decency and self respect as well as respect for your partner.


Get with it man nothing wrong with bonking or having a drink and in some cases many have managed to get along as decent working people holding good jobs whilst still enjoying a snort of Columbian marching powder for many years.


There IS wrong with casual sex and there IS wrong about using illegal drugs. A very great deal wrong.


Get off the moral high ground afterall you are the one who has previously advocated the genocide of all Palistinians (an idea I believe you stole from some little Austian hypocrite in the past I think).


Where and when have I EVER advocated the genocide of 'Palestinians'?

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Where and when have I EVER advocated the genocide of 'Palestinians'?



Cheers Mr S was looking for that as you posted.

I agree promiscurity is wrong, as I was saying to the wifes sister in bed this morning how decedent society is these days and if she could please unlock the handcuffs before she inflates the sheep.

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I think that Jan Moir is being unfairly treated in the aftermath of the Gately death. Whilst I do not approve of homophobic comments, I think that her intention was to merely highlight that the circumstances of SG's death were rather odd. It is a fair comment to say that it is highly unusual for a healthy 33 year old man to retire to bed never to wake again and also questioning why another party was invited back to their apartment. Strange behaviour for any couple regardless of their sexual preferences.

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Do me a favour.


The Mail is a nasty biggotted little rag that services its snide readership with distasteful and crass dross.

If it doesn't know something it invents it and then sticks 'allegedly' in somewhere for legal protection.


It's a piece of shit for people with shit for brains.


The 'paper' of choice for smug sanctimonious holier than thou bastards.



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