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Local Charities Breath Sigh Of Relief....

ian rush

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From manxradio news


"An extraordinary donation of three quarters of a million pounds - just announced by Hospice Care - has taken the Mighty Oak Appeal to its target of two million pounds.


To celebrate his 90th birthday, Guy Barrett and his wife Christine - who live in the north of the Island - have given the fund seven hundred and fifty thousand pounds"


I'm sure plenty of long-established local charities will be glad to see that local donations will be available to be a bit more evenly spread around.


I think the Hospice and the Appeal is a good thing but I get the feeling that it has overshadowed the good work done by a lot of smaller charities who have unpaid volunteers and don't have professional fund raisers and a high media profile.

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wonder if they said to the government - we'll give the 750K if you find them a free site?


I think its a terrific thing the Barratts have done, even though I dont agree that hospice provision should be something provided by charitable donations.


Must feel great to do something like that.

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I think its a terrific thing the Barratts have done, even though I dont agree that hospice provision should be something provided by charitable donations.


Agreed. No matter how you feel about the whole appeal, it's a significant sum of money to donate to anything.

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It's in the nature of the beast that some charities will always dominate.


Sometimes the media just seem to get on a bandwagon - maybe due to the heart-rendering plight of some one in need or a particularly ambitious project.


Of course, the work of some charities touches the lives of more people than other causes.


Most of us will end up with family or friends needing the care offered by Hospice at some point but few of us will suffer from leprosy.


There are so many charities out there, working so hard for a noble cause, but they get left high and dry.

Trouble is we, the public, don't have deep enough pockets to contribute to all.

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It's in the nature of the beast that some charities will always dominate ...
That is true, however most charites cannot afford to pay a full time PR person to drum up the money. Nor can they expect such up front and in your face backing and publicity as the Mighty Oak Appeal received from the likes of Manx radio and the rest of the media.


It has been a powerful appeal alright. It's even had people being very public in their support when they previously and privately opined that the charity was too rich by half!


Other charities have been the island's Cinderellas for too long. Hospice is a really good cause, that cannot be doubted but there is more than one Cancer charity on the Isle of Man.


Hospice is too big to be a charity on a small island like this.


I hope that government (aka us) fund Hospice directly after this and leave the other charities some space to recover.

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