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Free Speech Clampdown? - Government Consultation.


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I would be the first to say that some of the comments made on Manxforums are a bit strong. But I believe in free speech so I would also be the first to defend the right to say those things in the first place.


However, some complete loony (strong language for me !) in Government seems to think they should have the right to censor what we say. I reckon this would lead to a clampdown on Manx forums. The Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009 consultation proposes to:

makes it an offence to commit acts intended to stir up hatred. This includes hatred on grounds of race, sexual orientation, religious belief or lack of belief or persons with any kind of disablement.


and says

If a public performance of a play is given which involves the use of threatening words or behaviour, any person who presents or directs the performance commits an offence if by doing so he or she intends to stir up hatred.


They also want to police Facebook:

Further to this proposed change the Department is considering whether or not legislation should be introduced specifically to make it an offence to use social networking sites, such as Facebook, improperly or otherwise in such a manner as to cause another person alarm or distress or give them reason to feel harassed.


They also say:

Nothing in this Part shall be read or given effect in a way which prohibits or restricts discussion, criticism or expressions of antipathy, dislike, ridicule, insult or abuse of particular religions or the beliefs or practices of their adherents, or of any other belief system or the beliefs or practices of its adherents, or proselytising or urging adherents of a different religion or belief system to cease practising their religion or belief system.


Any thoughts on this? Should they have the power to ban plays, edit websites and prosecute people with extreme views? Should the Isle of Man Police monitor this forum and step in when it gets a bit racy? Should we be able to complain to the Police just because someone on this forum says 'fuck off'?


Personally I think that these powers would be abused.

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Perish the thought.


Anyone go to the celebration of the life and times of Roly Drower last night at the Centenary Centre in Peel?

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I suppose we'd better get it all out of our systems before the new law comes into force: I HATE THE BELGIANS.

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Why bother going to the expense of introducing laws they can't and won't police? They brought in a law against using a mobile phone while driving and every day you see dozens of people speaking and texting while driving yet no one gets done for it.


IOM is turning into as bad a nanny state as the UK is.

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These types of laws are necessary, not for the likes of us though...oh noes, these laws are for the rich, the untouchables, the sort of person whose name we dare not mention already. As is, little people, be told and say nothing back. It will happen.

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an unflattering light on the Isle of Man's attitude to free speech:


This is of course the Guardians take on the matter.


The result of the case referred to in that article being published online in the public domain at http://www.judgments.im/content/J254.htm

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Perish the thought.


Anyone go to the celebration of the life and times of Roly Drower last night at the Centenary Centre in Peel?


Yes, I attended, excellent evening and AG only got one, obvious, mention.

This idea; makes it an offence to commit acts intended to stir up hatred. This includes hatred on grounds of race, sexual orientation, religious belief or lack of belief or persons with any kind of disablement, should stop a few pulpit pilots in their tracks.

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makes it an offence to commit acts intended to stir up hatred. This includes hatred on grounds of race, sexual orientation, religious belief or lack of belief or persons with any kind of disablement.


Any thoughts on this? Should they have the power to ban plays, edit websites and prosecute people with extreme views? Should the Isle of Man Police monitor this forum and step in when it gets a bit racy? Should we be able to complain to the Police just because someone on this forum says 'fuck off'?


Personally I think that these powers would be abused.

Ah well, I better not tell the joke about the one legged, blind black, French, Islamic lesbian transvestite then.

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This idea; makes it an offence to commit acts intended to stir up hatred. This includes hatred on grounds of race, sexual orientation, religious belief or lack of belief or persons with any kind of disablement, should stop a few pulpit pilots in their tracks.


That may be the intention but it seems to be so poorly worded that anyone with enough money and the help of a shyster from Athol St. could effectively silence any public discussion of anything controversial.

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There have been a number of quite disgusting matters occurred on this Island this past 10 years, details of which, some have been brought into the public domain but some not.


As an example of what can happen (and in the scheme of things it is perhaps a less important example except to those directly involved) two Manx internet forums have been closed down. The circumstances of which, would make the goons in Stalinist Russia proud of our little State..


For the Island to exist as it does and in order to maintain its reputation with the World, it is best the lid is kept on such matters, repugnant to right thinking people as they are.



When you read phrases such as "improper use of the public telecommunications system", then one must wonder who is to decide what is proper and what is improper. Think about it.


to illustrate further:


"the Department is considering whether or not legislation should be introduced specifically to make it an offence to use social networking sites, such as Facebook, improperly or otherwise"


Who are these faceless civil servamts who write this stuff? I really do want to know because they are amongst us and they need weeding out. We pay them huge salaries and pensions to serve us.


These ridiculous and inept ramblings can be prevented from becoming legislation, but only by your representatives in the House of Keys.


Knowing most of them however, this new proposed legislation will probably give some a veritable hard-on (I use the phrase metaphorically and in its more colloquial modern usage).

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