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Tesco boss criticises UK education system

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Sir Terry told the audience of food manufacturers and retailers: “We depend on high standards in our schools, as today’s schoolchildren are tomorrow’s team; they will be the ones we need to help build our business.
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BRITAIN'S education system must be in a right old state if school leavers are not even qualified to work at Tesco, the boss of Tesco warned last night.




Sir Terry added: "Thanks to years of under-investment our schools are now turning out the sort of witless cretins who are fit only for B&Q."
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He said: “No one can deny that Britain has spawned a generation of young people who struggle to read, write or do simple maths. That’s why we’re finding packs of nappies discarded in the booze aisle, as the last few pounds are spent on alcohol rather than childcare.”


A very sad thing to read, but, hey, at least they don't get shouted at, by the teachers. At least they enjoy their time at school, doing just what they want to do, when they want to do it. That's the most important thing, obviously!

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Hee hee, this Howard chap is in the comments section and is the first response to Sir Terrys article.


howard jones wrote:

"I would like to say to the boss of tesco first i have a brother and sister both teachers its not the teachers fault but the kids some of them do not like learning and something else i i like to say to tesco boss man i was a home delivary driver i had a bad fall injerd my back and 3 broken ribs can not work now. when i was working for tesco xmas time all fire exit bloked with greats the vans go out with bald tyres and faulty doors fly open when driving along should not critisis about the teaching systam grt you own house sorted out i tryed takeing the case to sols but because no witness i could not get any copasation all together i can see why anyone eho whant to work fof tesco they do not look after they staff only back handers and profits yours Howard"


I think from Howards spelling and grammer, that he didn't go to the same school his brother and sister did. :lol:

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Some people are just practicable and good with their hands but not with their paperwork and some people are the opposite.

Maybe certain lessons like maths teach more than they should do, like logarithms for example (i.e, In mathematics, the logarithm of a number to a given base is the power or exponent to which the base must be raised in order to produce the number)


If a person struggles in certain parts of maths and is unlikely to change regardless of how much time and effort is put into it, would it not be simpler for that part to be missed out and concentrate on additions, multiplying, division and subtraction for basic shop work? (Good or bad idea and why?)

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Failure to prepare people for the workplace? Well that shouldn't be the role of the education system or rather shouldn't be why people are given an education. But if it is about basics of reading, writing, and communicating then those things should be taught anyway.

Cobblers, what the hell is an education for if it is not to be used? The reality is that we actually spend the majority of our lives working, running houses, paying bills, bringing up children and living in a society. Some of the basic 'how to' stuff is taught by parents, but the majority needs to be provided by the education system and employers. All three groups have responsibilities, and need to collaborate together at different levels as a child grows older ready to enter the workplace. Obvious involvements are at primary school (parents/education system), secondary school (parents/education system, and employers) and college/university (academia and employers).


Except maybe for people like you of course, who obviously spend their time day-dreaming by a stream.

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