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Afghan Fiddlers


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Any thoughts on the credability of the president of Afghanistan now? A chosen man in the outset and now seems to be "at it "

The subject of who was responsible for the frauds seems to be taboo in the western media.

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The problem is that Karzai has largely become a puppet leader of the United States since the beginning of the year. Karzai started making calls to ask the Head of the Taliban to come to Afghanistan for talks on a solution. This didn't go down well in Washington. The Americans were making plans to put him in a symbolic position and let the Americans

pull the strings entirely until someone more compliant to US wishes come along.


I don't think the responsibility of the fraud is taboo at all. Unless it is the US that is involved in this fraud. It is quite likely. Although regardless of who is elected, the result would not necessarily mean that the person will have power and control.


The whole thing is a mess to be honest. However, the only reason for it taking place is simply to offer some symbolic sign of progress in the country and to establish a governmental structure of sort that will endorse US power and continue to work with the US to give it what it wants.


Have you read about this L/Cpl Glenton? I find is strange how servicemen do not recognise that they were not being used for the Government's own ends. That is the purpose of the military.



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However, the only reason for it taking place is simply to offer some symbolic sign of progress in the country and to establish a governmental structure of sort that will endorse US power and continue to work with the US to give it what it wants.



La la - what, it in all honesty now, can Afghanistan give the USA, Great Britain, Europe, Australasia, the rest of the sub-continent with an outward looking Government?


Why did the United States instigate a push, please have in mind they had only used 5000 soldiers to kick the Taliban out in the first place.


Pull out now and it will be silly. Very silly.


Think about that figure though




Not a lot to take a country without help from the population is it?

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Not sure what you are asking. Afghanistan is strategically located and it matters who controls it. And the US has control and will maintain that control, if it can, and it surely will.


Afghanistan had no conventional army when the US invaded and the Taliban fought conventionally against the US forces. 5000 isn't such a low number to achieve what they did against a much inferior force.


I don't think it would be that silly to pull out at all. There are alternative to ending this trouble. As I mentioned, there is the possibility of making deals with the Taliban. There have been no discussions of reaching peaceful settlements nor have there been regional discussions that would seek to bring a situation amicable to Afghanistan and its neighbours.


Not a lot to take a country without help from the population is it?
Help? Or rather non-involvement wondering what the fuck was going on. Do you think the Americans needed help from the populace, because I don't. They certainly aren't getting now or there might be some hope for an effective COIN strategy.
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Elaborate some more on your point then. Do you have evidence that the population helped? I don't discount that they did. The Taliban were awful and the population are no doubt glad to see the back of them and understandably want to see rid of NATO forces now.


Afghanistan would never have been much a challenge for the US in 2002, especially with help from the Northern Alliance.

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Have you read about this L/Cpl Glenton? I find is strange how servicemen do not recognise that they were not being used for the Government's own ends. That is the purpose of the military.



The Logistic Corps. Why am I not surprised...

Isn't that what we used to know as the Pioneer corps, If you could read you made lance cpl if you could read and write you made full cpl if you could read, write and do your 12 x table you made sgt and above and if you gained at least 3 O-Levels c and above you gained a commission.

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It's no big deal Mollag. No matter who gets in power the country will be under the thumb of western businesses under US direction for a long time to come. It doesn't matter if some people actually voted for one person over another, the result will be that power remains in the hands of the US and to a much lesser extent the UK and other countries. I know it appears so obvious that there is not the slimmest hope for democracy, but it isn't even an issue. These elections are just to create an illusion of Afghani control.

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