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Afghan Fiddlers


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Oh dear, this wound me up. With stuff like we and the fact that it is believed the population, I do wonder what we deserve.




What a load of shit -

"we cannot, must not and will not walk away".
A phrase which gives the impression that the 'mission' is good.


""our first line of defence"
- no, probably more likely to end up leading to more British civilians getting blown up in Britain.


"Paying tribute days ahead of Remembrance Day to the 93 British troops who have died in Afghanistan this year, the Prime Minister said: "These men are our heroes today."
And that just takes the complete piss. Waste people's lives and deaths and then say how you will remember them. Just a little offensive.


"But when the main terrorist threat facing Britain emanates from Afghanistan and Pakistan; and when, although the sustained pressure in Pakistan, combined with military action in Afghanistan, is having a suppressive effect on al Qaida, we know that they continue to train and plot attacks on Britain from the region ... this mission must not fail.


"It is not easy; the choices are not simple. There is no strategy that is without danger and risk.

And what about the terrorist threat emanating from the USA and Britain to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Let's be fair to all concerned please. And Al Qaeda probably will continue to train and plot across the world, never mind supposedly thinking they are primarily Afghanistan, while NATO are in these countries.


And you could significantly reduce risk by not taking using Western forces to act immorally. That's risky.


In an apparent acknowledgement of criticisms that he has not successfully explained his strategy in Afghanistan to voters, Mr Brown concluded: "What people here in Britain ask for is the same as our forces on the ground ask for - a clear sense of what success in Afghanistan would look like, and how we will get there.

My answer is: we will have succeeded when our troops are coming home because the Afghans are providing security themselves, continuing the essential work of denying the territory of Afghanistan as a base for terrorists

Ok, well get some terrorist forces out of Afghanistan - withdraw.


and with a greater level of assurance that the pressure on al-Qa'ida and other terrorist and extremist groups will be maintained, and so that a safer, more stable and better-governed Afghanistan will contribute to a safer Britain - in a safer world."
This isn't about Al Qaeda anymore, it is about the Taliban almost solely. It was actually a safe and stable country before the invasion.


Mr Brown insisted that "our presence in Afghanistan is justified and... our strategy, set out in the spring, is the right one".
Thanks for that, but it takes a lot more to justify an invasion and killing of civilians in the process for the sake of goals which have nothing to do with ridding the world of terrorism.




Just as in the past we learnt of the bravery and sacrifice of British soldiers in the First and Second World Wars; in their fight to protect freedom both in our nation and the world; so our children will learn of the heroism of today's men and women fighting in Afghanistan - protecting our nation and the rest of the world from threat of global terrorism," said the Prime Minister.
There is no heroism in today's men when considering their purpose because their purpose i this war is shameful and immoral. The only heroism is seen in those who help each other while being attacked, but not in purpose.

This has nothing to do with freedom and has nothing to do with eradicating terrorism in the world. And the very idea that people fought for WW1 and in Afghanistan is just offensive and denigrates the deaths of those who served.

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So its business as usual in Afghanistan, cheats, it seems , do prosper---Eight years on and the best we can do is a corrupt despot, a suitable cause to spend our troops lives on do you think?


I don't like Brown either but this is a bit strong !!

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Why do you say that Asitis. Mollag was referring, I think, to the quality of leaders in Afghanistan. Or were you joking that Brown is corrupt?


Yes it was a joke hence smiley. But on a serious note Brown and the ridiculous grinning Blair have cost a lot of young men their lives and devastated a lot of families I do not think our presence in Afghanistan makes our streets on jot safer from the terrorist and our troops could be better utilised here securing our borders !


What a waste of young lives !!

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So its business as usual in Afghanistan, cheats, it seems , do prosper---Eight years on and the best we can do is a corrupt despot, a suitable cause to spend our troops lives on do you think?


I don't like Brown either but this is a bit strong !!

Nice one asitis :lol:



On a serious note warra waste of time that Afghan election was, bet those in harms way wished they hadnt bothered.

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