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Amazing Pictures: Pollution In China


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Pffft, doesn't matter. Britain went through a similar thing in the nineteenth century when industrial production was at its peak.

These people will be reaping the rich rewards and salubrious lifestyles that capitalism offers in a few decades. It is just necessary to get through these hard times to get ahead.

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These people will be reaping the rich rewards and salubrious lifestyles that capitalism offers in a few decades. It is just necessary to get through these hard times to get ahead.


Is that endorsement of the great evil?

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Bloody hell. I was hoping you were being ironic.

Sign out and go relax for the afternoon, drink a beer or go for a walk.


You're starting to worry me.

You're not well.

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He saw red flames, three fires burning in the open air and apparently suspended. At first he hesitated, half afraid. Then he could not resist the painful need to warm his hands for a moment.


The steep road led downwards, and everything disappeared. The man saw on his right a paling, a wall of coarse planks shutting in a line of rails, while a grassy slope rose on the left surmounted by confused gables, a vision of a village with low uniform roofs. He went on some two hundred paces. Suddenly, at a bend in the road, the fires reappeared close to him, though he could not understand how they burnt so high in the dead sky, like smoky moons. But on the level soil another sight had struck him. It was a heavy mass, a low pile of buildings from which rose the silhouette of a factory chimney; occasional gleams appeared from dirty windows, five or six melancholy lanterns were hung outside to frames of blackened wood, which vaguely outlined the profiles of gigantic stages; and from this fantastic apparition, drowned in night and smoke, a single voice arose, the thick, long breathing of a steam escapement that could not be seen.


Written in France, 1885

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Pffft, doesn't matter. Britain went through a similar thing in the nineteenth century when industrial production was at its peak.

These people will be reaping the rich rewards and salubrious lifestyles that capitalism offers in a few decades. It is just necessary to get through these hard times to get ahead.


that is vary true,


but because we have been there and done it and have now been shown our bad ways of the world,

do we have a right to say that shoulden be doing it this way, do we have the right to stop them.


and the reason its all like that is because we had to stop the way we produced things in the uk or clean the air up, which cost so the production gos eleswhere where clean air acts do not happin, and things can be produced cheap and easy.


so intill the westen public start paying huge amounts for the things they buy. These pictures will keep happing for many years to come, when china or which ever place there taken from decides to clean its act up, all that will happin is that the production will move to some other 3rd world place that can produce things cheap and without fear of what damage thay do.


it be a cycle that will never change

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