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Amazing Pictures: Pollution In China


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I was being sarcastic in my previous post. It is absolutely disgusting what is going in China, as it is in any developing countries where there power body that cannot deal with the negative externalities of industrial production - to eliminate the chance of such pollution affecting the public or elimitating the pollution altogether.


It isn't some natural process that China HAS to go through, it is simply that China is state capitalist and such power structures that exist have no reason to give a shit what damage they do to the environment nor the people. These corporations are not self-regulating, it isn't profitable.

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I was being sarcastic in my previous post. It is absolutely disgusting what is going in China, as it is in any developing countries where there power body that cannot deal with the negative externalities of industrial production - to eliminate the chance of such pollution affecting the public or elimitating the pollution altogether.


It isn't some natural process that China HAS to go through, it is simply that China is state capitalist and such power structures that exist have no reason to give a shit what damage they do to the environment nor the people. These corporations are not self-regulating, it isn't profitable.


you might have been sarcastic but you hit the nail on the head,

and i bet it is profitable

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Somewhat ironic.

Condemning China and forgetting the dark satanic mills.


Also the money saved in exporting toxic waste and sending ships to be stripped and broken up on third world beaches.

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Utterly revolting but I suppose it doesn't surprise me. It's the logical outcome in a country where communism has rendered human life so utterly cheap and capitalism has taken over the agenda . . .


So, next time you buy a plastic toy for your kid just remember where it comes from and how it was made.


Sobering isn't it?

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I don't understand that logic - the value of human life doesn't enter in how China's economy has changes. As an aside, China has never seen communism, there has never been a communist society. It was just state socialist, then state capitalist and now is beginning to see liberalisation of its markets. It just had a communist party.


But the value of life in our society is so utterly cheap. The values that are placed on our worth are so inhuman and how we operate and behave is so inhuman.

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I don't know what you are getting at. Do you think it is quite acceptable for people for suffer in the process of making profit?


hay as long as my new tv comes cheap sod them :rolleyes:


no i never said it was acceptable,

but its is just a reality of life,

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