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Postal Strikes - Adam Crozier


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but does that give them the right to kill a whole comapny, i dont think so.
It's the staff that matter, except from the perspective of those who own the company. If the staff aren't paid well and have poor conditions and it can improve these things, but won't then who cares about the company.


but if yuou kill the company you kill the wagers, so how is that in there intrest, it isent, but thay cant see past there nose
The other option would be to do nothing and accept poor pay and conditions, probably have lots of people thrown out of work, and have more people on the dole.


because thay act like a parasite
Well...there are plenty of examples of people and organisations acting as parasites in our society. Our whole society is full of organisations that seek to find news ways of sucking the money out of workers pockets. These postal workers just want better pay.


and the company has met the pay offer, so u cant use the better pay thing as its not a reason for the strike,

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Ok...their job security, abidement on national agreements, some worker control.


because the royal mail wants to put a few machines in to make the company more cost effective and to keep it going. yes some will lose there jobs, but not everyone,, wow thats real bad working conditions, im sorry but in this day and age if a company cant improve there company without being held to ransome by some ungreatfull feckers then the world has gone mad,


I dont think thay get paid to bad, there not on the worst wage, thay should be greatfull of haveing a job, im sure there is plenty of ppl that would jump in and take that job and be greatfull of work.


if thay were getting paid bugger all and beaten for being late, then i can see no harm in wanting better tretment etc,

but for the sake of a company who wishers to cut cost and improve the service then its a joke.



but the way the strikers have gone about it, thay have picked the lose millions of jobs over a few thousand, should be the otherway round selfish gits

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The big issue with post offices in general is about whether small and relatively under used remote postal services should be subsidized by the majority of mail which is metropolitan.


Should expensive mail to / from remote Scottish islands be priced the same as, and subsidized by mail from London to Manchester ? The private firms and the couriers don't want the remote routes.


This is a tough question to quantify economically because there are arguments on both sides. There are equivalent arguments when it comes to the pricing of broadband and other forms of networking within a single economic jurisdiction.

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because the royal mail wants to put a few machines in to make the company more cost effective and to keep it going. yes some will lose there jobs, but not everyone
But such job losses are not justifiable unless those who would lose their jobs have places to go to when ditched.
im sorry but in this day and age if a company cant improve there company without being held to ransome by some ungreatfull feckers then the world has gone mad
In this day and age? Strikes are less common now than they used to be!
I dont think thay get paid to bad, there not on the worst wage, thay should be greatfull of haveing a job, im sure there is plenty of ppl that would jump in and take that job and be greatfull of work.
Nobody should feel grateful for having a job. It isn't a privilege, it's a necessity.
if thay were getting paid bugger all and beaten for being late, then i can see no harm in wanting better tretment etc,

but for the sake of a company who wishers to cut cost and improve the service then its a joke.

I don't think they get money at all. They certainly wouldn't have so much conviction in their idea that they are getting crap wages if it wasn't so bad. As for conditions, well workers should be considered above all else. I know that is not who it works because the motive of the company is profit - this is the problem with waged work. But ultimately, the workers have to look after their interests.
but the way the strikers have gone about it, thay have picked the lose millions of jobs over a few thousand, should be the otherway round selfish gits
Royal Mail should have bowed to their demands. That is where the fault lies - in going over the workers head in decisionmaking, planning job losses, and freezing a poor package without any input from the staff.
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Not at all. They are very common. I think you have the disturbing and strange views with talk of work being a privilege and with people welfare being less important than the profitability of a company. Eek.


apart from if u had read it,

if the pay was shit and thay were beaten everyday then yes strike action is prob a worthy cause,


so what your saying is that the workers should strike and ask for 10000% pay increase and that would be ok in your book

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if the pay was shit and thay were beaten everyday then yes strike action is prob a worthy cause
Probably a worthy cause? Wow, what would it take to convince you that such slaves should rebel? Maybe if the Managers shot a worker?


so what your saying is that the workers should strike and ask for 10000% pay increase and that would be ok in your book
Workers should strike, picket, sabotage, 'go slow', occupy their workplaces, etc. if it can prevent job losses, bump their wages to a level when their 'normal' pay increases are frozen or reduced yet can be paid, and if they are mistreated or have poor conditions. It isn't about asking for everything. But people should have a decent pay and should be able to work in an environment where they are involved in decisionmaking (or ideally make decisions) that relates to how they work and when they work. And work in an environment that is comfortable as possible.
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If you take a 30,000 feet view the whole thing is simply a waste of time because the whole game has changed, it’s just the full implications of the change hasn’t yet struck home.


For decades the people in the UK have been living way beyond their means.


This has been done by public and private loans and on the backs of el-cheepo wages in The Third World.


The so called credit crunch is simply the first major symptom of the disease, a disease that will soon hit the UK (and the US but also to a lesser extent other Western nations) in ways and to a degree that if I postulated the effects I would be ridiculed.


We should be bracing ourselves for a change in everything we have taken for granted about our way of life and our standard of living.


The only unknown is if there will be a world war either break out or even be intentionally brought about to resolve the problems of over population and wealth imbalance.


What would be interesting would be to examine the proposition that a constantly growing economy is a good thing to be aiming for.

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if the pay was shit and thay were beaten everyday then yes strike action is prob a worthy cause
Probably a worthy cause? Wow, what would it take to convince you that such slaves should rebel? Maybe if the Managers shot a worker?


well im sure theres prob a few there that need to be shot,


so what your saying is that the workers should strike and ask for 10000% pay increase and that would be ok in your book
Workers should strike, picket, sabotage, 'go slow', occupy their workplaces, etc. if it can prevent job losses, bump their wages to a level when their 'normal' pay increases are frozen or reduced yet can be paid, and if they are mistreated or have poor conditions. It isn't about asking for everything. But people should have a decent pay and should be able to work in an environment where they are involved in decisionmaking (or ideally make decisions) that relates to how they work and when they work. And work in an environment that is comfortable as possible.


but what if the strike action was not saveing jobs, but in the end could cost a lot of ppl there jobs, and some jobs that are not in the strike, is that still ok

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If it the result was an inevitable collapse of the company or the loss of many jobs then it would not be worthwhile. But then the company will want to survive. It won't want to end up in a position where it will have to suffer an even greater loss in profit due to resisting strike demands and the loss of business that involves when nobody is around to do the work.

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