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Postal Strikes - Adam Crozier


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Your politics are despicable Rog. I presume that the strikes are hitting the workers and union too hard in terms of finances. Shame.


yes because thay tried to take the royal mail to court over the hireing of workers,

thay new thay would lose thay were just trying it on to see if it would make royal mail shift,


im glad thay lost, and i hope the old written warnings get used a lot more over this period to get rid of some more of the worst ones involved in this

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Some of the worst ones? Do you think some bad men/women made the others to strike?


well if you mean made them as in put a gun to there head then no,


but made to do something can come in so many ways,

there is allways a leader in any situation like this,


if you ever worked on a shop floor for a peroid of time you would see this, you would all so see that there is allways one or 2 of these ones that are hell bent on causeing trouble,

by any means, weather there is a problem or not thay make one up, been there seen it

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The leaders would be the Unions.


Trouble on the shop floor? I don't know what trouble you are talking of but you seem to think these strikes are by done by irrational people. You just seem completely oblivious.


ok lala, and what am i ment to be completely oblivious to.


have u ever worked in a shop floor enviroment ldv

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Oblivious of the position of people who feel they have to do something to protect or advance their own interests to provide for themselves and family when they get shafted by their employers.

Shop floor? If you mean a factory then no.


and if in the process thay ruin it for the other 10000 thats ok, kill hundreads to help one

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Oblivious of the position of people who feel they have to do something to protect or advance their own interests to provide for themselves and family when they get shafted by their employers.

Shop floor? If you mean a factory then no.


and if in the process thay ruin it for the other 10000 thats ok, kill hundreads to help one

Ah now you have come to the American way of thinking, but seriously LDV how the fuck can you comment on the thoughts of people on a factory floor or building site when you have never tried it. Go on give it a go get your nails dirty and chipped for once.

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Oblivious of the position of people who feel they have to do something to protect or advance their own interests to provide for themselves and family when they get shafted by their employers.

Shop floor? If you mean a factory then no.


and if in the process thay ruin it for the other 10000 thats ok, kill hundreads to help one

Ah now you have come to the American way of thinking, but seriously LDV how the fuck can you comment on the thoughts of people on a factory floor or building site when you have never tried it. Go on give it a go get your nails dirty and chipped for once.


because everything you read in a book is true life diden you know.


LDV to me is like these kids that come out of uni and then come and work on a building site.

thay can do it all thay read it all, and because thay think what thay read is true thay can only go by the book. thay dont last long

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and if in the process thay ruin it for the other 10000 thats ok, kill hundreads to help one
You seem to look at this situation and the strike action as being the responsible and cause of the workers. It isn't, it is the responsibility and cause of the employer who will not give the workers what they are due and should have. If others do not join in it might be because they are hostile to working class politics (maybe out of an education that see their fellow workers as the enemy or maybe because of their capitalist politics), or the other workers might be better paid and feel that they shouldn't strike when THEIR situation is ok.

Ultimately, the situation is one where the workers will lose by doing nothing. If they use direct action they can make their employer what they need - profit and control over profit making. The only aspect of where I would agree with you is that strikes need to have reasonable goals, specifically in that they need to potentially achievable.


Ah now you have come to the American way of thinking, but seriously LDV how the fuck can you comment on the thoughts of people on a factory floor or building site when you have never tried it. Go on give it a go get your nails dirty and chipped for once.
American way of the thinking???

I can comment because I do have to know how to do the work necessary in a factory or building site to know their class situation and to recognise that they have the same socio-economic relationship to their owners. Besides, why do we have to talk of factories and building sites, what about offices and retail shop floors? What about people in the healthcare industry or transport? All the same.

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