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'hate Crime' And A Christian Nutter


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I don’t agree.


LDV and I might well snarl and spit about a number of things, but she expresses a viewpoint that has validity in all cases.

Is that a typing error?

LDV is a guy!


At my age and in my state of health sex is immaterial! :D

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and the adoption of verbs or adjectives as nouns gets on my tits.

I ake it that also means the misuse of many words to mean different from the original i.e. gay changed from meaning happ to homosexual and no to meaning useless for one example.

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She is christian, therefore she believes in god, therefore she is mad as she speaks to non existent people and hears voices.

I believe she is guilty. The police decided to not prosecute because they have better things to do with their limited resourses. Bless.

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Jimbms - No, it is not technically correct in the sense it is word that should be used to define others. I already explained that it would be like me simplifying and determining straight people on the basis of nothing more than the fact that they supposedly engage in intercourse - where a penis is shoved in and out a vagina.


It sounds rather distasteful doesn't it when someone is defined by nothing more than a specific behaviour, especially when it is not the only sexual behaviour that people partake in.

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LDV please try to read more carefully, I did say I care not if the word is offensive to some all I stated was that technically the word was correct, it's level of offence to some is not in question it is it's literal meaning I was looking at, oh please try to keep up I would find it most upsetting that a lump of may taxes had been wasted on your education. Now if we are going on misreading meanings I actually read rog as calling you she as a deliberate insult to you and your sometimes campness, just shows how different people can see different things doesn't it, just think about that next time you try to accuse someone of being homophobic because they view something a different way to you.

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I wasn't discussing offence, just the use of the word as being acceptable and as such correct.


Does sodomite mean someone who has anal sex and often more particularly refers to gay men (in an oppressive manner): yes. I understand completely what you are pointing out in respect of gay men who have anal sex, I am not stupid But I don't accept such heterosexual terminology.


Well Rog might have known I was a man. I just presumed he thought I was a Lady.

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I ake it that also means the misuse of many words to mean different from the original i.e. gay changed from meaning happ to homosexual and no to meaning useless for one example.


Bit of a shame that you don't know that 'GAY', normally written upper case, is actually an acronym.


(I assume you know what an acronym is, though the quality and content of what you write would suggest the possibility is somewhat remote)


When expanded GAY reads 'Good As You'.



BTW. Your 'tag line' is a misquote.

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I ake it that also means the misuse of many words to mean different from the original i.e. gay changed from meaning happ to homosexual and no to meaning useless for one example.


Bit of a shame that you don't know that 'GAY', normally written upper case, is actually an acronym.


(I assume you know what an acronym is, though the quality and content of what you write would suggest the possibility is somewhat remote)


When expanded GAY reads 'Good As You'.



BTW. Your 'tag line' is a misquote.

But you cannot say the word in capitols therefore when said it is a misuse of the original meaning.

BTW I like my tag line the way it is and was deliberately altered that way so I care not

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I ake it that also means the misuse of many words to mean different from the original i.e. gay changed from meaning happ to homosexual and no to meaning useless for one example.


Bit of a shame that you don't know that 'GAY', normally written upper case, is actually an acronym.


(I assume you know what an acronym is, though the quality and content of what you write would suggest the possibility is somewhat remote)


When expanded GAY reads 'Good As You'.



But you cannot say the word in capitols therefore when said it is a misuse of the original meaning.



That is where the context in which it is used comes in. It remains perfectly reasonable to use the word ‘gay’ in its original meaning as long as the context is unambiguous.


Nothing has been lost from language but a great deal has been gained for people with a same sex preference because use of GAY is a constant reminder to those who hate what they don’t understand that having a same sex preference makes such folk just what GAY says. “Good As You”.

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I think the 1950s and 1960s there was definitely a mentality that people felt they needed to prove that they are as good as everyone else. But it isn't something that has any bearing on gay people at all today in their use of the term gay - it is simply an sexual identity and has political connotations. For instance, I have no reason to prove myself or demonstrate that I am as 'good as everyone else'. Nevertheless, many think they do, such as those who believe in assimilation (though don't understand it as such) and think that adopting heterosexual culture and lifestyle patterns for instance is desirable and necessary.

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Now this to me seems more of an issue of freedom of speech. She may be a bigoted fool, but how dare she be forced into an interview with the police and be effectively punished for declaring her ignorant views to the Council. Such behaviour by the State really would create divisions when gay people are blamed for creating this sort of situation. The Council and Police are scumbags for subjecting this woman to such treatment (threats of criminal action) and it is disturbing that there is such a climate of opinion that such treatment is acceptable. It isn't the first time.


I bet the editor of the letters page at the Daily Mail is crapping himself. On the basis of this he's going to have to report every third letter published.

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