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Eddie Lowey's Comments

Moghrey Mie

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He's had a great career but, and not specifically directed at him, its time to pension off some of these old duffers as they are well past their political sell by date. I'm sure that the comments were light hearted but so what; we've just spent £750k of taxpayers money on something we don't need and all he can do is make a joke out of it.


To be fair on this particular point, Eddie Lowey was the only Member of the Legislative Council to vote against the expenditure.



Edited to add a link to Manx Radio News item about an internet chatroom thingy discussing the matter

Manx Radio

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Is he still driving?



He should have been banned.


As for using the term Towel head, pretty stupid I would say, esp in Tymwald. We have muslims on the Island and I personally have worked with quite a few, never had the need to call them anything head.


Eddie Lowey Driving? That little prick drove into my mates missus car about a year before he got done for running that bloke over. He damaged the car and drove off. Luckily somebody she knew saw eddie doing it, looking around and driving off so she tracked him down and got his insurance details etc. He is a slimey little shit.

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I'm sure that the comments were light hearted but so what; we've just spent £750k of taxpayers money on something we don't need and all he can do is make a joke out of it.


What else can he do? The money is spent, no getting away from that.


Nothing will change in the way capital projects are agreed, most of the people making the decision don't understand the technicalities of what is needed. Do you think any one in government knows anything about aviation law or practices in other airports that may effect our ability to fly into them? This goes for pretty much everything unless there is a capital scheme for the supply of light bulbs and other ancillary "hardware goods".

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Is he still driving?



He should have been banned.


As for using the term Towel head, pretty stupid I would say, esp in Tymwald. We have muslims on the Island and I personally have worked with quite a few, never had the need to call them anything head.


Eddie Lowey Driving? That little prick drove into my mates missus car about a year before he got done for running that bloke over. He damaged the car and drove off. Luckily somebody she knew saw eddie doing it, looking around and driving off so she tracked him down and got his insurance details etc. He is a slimey little shit.


I am lead to believe Chris was not only other accident he has had.


he should have been charged with leaving the schene of an accident.

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Is he still driving?



He should have been banned.


As for using the term Towel head, pretty stupid I would say, esp in Tymwald. We have muslims on the Island and I personally have worked with quite a few, never had the need to call them anything head.


Eddie Lowey Driving? That little prick drove into my mates missus car about a year before he got done for running that bloke over. He damaged the car and drove off. Luckily somebody she knew saw eddie doing it, looking around and driving off so she tracked him down and got his insurance details etc. He is a slimey little shit.


I am lead to believe Chris was not only other accident he has had.


Totally agree.


he should have been charged with leaving the schene of an accident.

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I have a plan, revoutionise politics - online referendums over all government business.


Who would devise the questions ?


So anyhow I something like this in a film. What happens in the end is that everyone gets quickly bored with being asked to vote on everything and there is one last big vote in which they decide to abolish democracy completely. So we might as well just cut to the chase.

How are issues that affect that affect the Island brought to the attention of the people who make the decisions at the moment?


You can't have a system where people HAVE to vote on everything. But you can begin to have a system that could be said to be democrat if people chose to vote for the matters that interest them.

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Is he still driving?



He should have been banned.


As for using the term Towel head, pretty stupid I would say, esp in Tymwald. We have muslims on the Island and I personally have worked with quite a few, never had the need to call them anything head.


Eddie Lowey Driving? That little prick drove into my mates missus car about a year before he got done for running that bloke over. He damaged the car and drove off. Luckily somebody she knew saw eddie doing it, looking around and driving off so she tracked him down and got his insurance details etc. He is a slimey little shit.

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'But of course I did not have a towel on my head or look Middle Eastern at the time.' So if he had the towel or looked Middle Eastern he would accept being treated differently, how is that NOT racist?

It's the fact he is a member of parliament and a senior politician, albeit without a mandate from the people, still thinking that comments of this nature are acceptable in the 21st century at a time of tension between different cultures across the world.

If he had said "Of course, I wasn't drinking stout or carrying a shillelagh at the time" would it still be a 'joke' or what it really is, a racist jibe from a senior lawmaker of the island?

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"'I certainly wasn't insulting anyone, if anything I was taking the mickey out of myself. I am very aware of where people come from and where I come from.'


It was a throw-away comment just to try to bring a bit of levity to the debate, that's all. We need that at times or we would all go bonkers."


Sorry, but it can't be accepted as a harmless throwaway comment. It is racist. Essentially, what is meant is that Middle Eastern people are a suspect group.


And Bernard Moffatt can't justify the comment by saying that he knows Eddie Lowey and he isn't a racist. I accept that it was stupid thing to say and Lowey may have said the wrong thing and doesn't understand it, but that doesn't mean it is not still racist.

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