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Who Said Age Was Ever A Problem


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I would be far more interested in knowing what this girl REALLY thinks about this situation. I wonder how much say she has had in all of this. I'd take any talk from the old man about love with little credibility until I knew how she got involved with this man.


She doesn't look happy, does she?

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Families that encourage this should be ashamed of themselves.

She might well be 17 years of age but in these countries girls as young as 9/12years are married off to much older men and forced to bare children resulting in what is called fistular, the local hospitals are full of young girls with this very degrading and painful problem in fact they even have hospitals that are called "fistular hospitals". Once the girls acquire this problem the husbands shun the young girl along with his family and possibly her family and he then moves on to the next young girl!

These disgusting perverts should be castrated!

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Do you think Islam has anything to do with it? I am not sure myself.


Islam and poverty. You have a religion that subjegates the role of women in society thus creating a need for a 17 year old to marry some sad wrinkly old cunt in order to eat. I guess from his profile and the number of wives and kids he has that he's some sort of village elder who is viewed as a good catch for someone who would prefer to eat 3 times a day rather than die of AIDS and dysentry in a hole in the ground - because a woman has no other role in society than be the property of a man.

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The Spoof website link

They call him the 'Horn of Africa'. At 112 years old, Ahmed Dore has a reputation to live up to. He has already got 18 children and in the process has worn out 5 wives; and, like a Duracell rabbit, he keeps going and coming and going and coming, on and on and on!


Now Mr Dore and has done it again! He has only found a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow - a 17-'year-old girl. The unnamed girl is said to be very happy and would like some of his babies. The wedding was held in down town Mogadishu, Somalia, and attended by well over 2000 guests - many of whom were his own children and their families, undertakers and their families and also the bride's family of 12.


However, there been some ugly rumours circulating and the new Mrs Dore would like to quash them by saying; "There is absolutely no truth in that I am a 'gold-digger' who hopes to get her hands on Mr Dore's wealth because he is at the point of 'kicking the bucket'."


"Neither is it true that Ahmed Dore is in fact a multi-millionaire Somali pirate! He did not force me into marrying him either. He is just such a nice man whom I love dearly and I expect to have at least 6 children with him. Yes I know there is a vast age difference between us, but I am sure that he has plenty of experience -- I have so much to learn in such a short time. I guess I will have to be a fast learner!


The girl has acquired a nickname; "'er in Dore's".


Can't help but laugh and as long as both come out of it well, then it's something to look forward to in my old age :D

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It's outrageous!

I mean, if I happen to reach such an age and there's an opportunity to marry a 17-year-old... I shall refuse.

No... I will!


Don't look at me like that...I mean it...I really do....

Just curious, how old are you again.. :lol:

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