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Professor Or Politicians?


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BBC story


I so love it when someone really clever has similar opinions to me. He was providing his expert opinion for free and the UK government (full of really intelligent people...) sacked him for doing his job, did they want him to lie? Ha, he'll be the next one, look at what happened to the weapons inspector chap.

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in a straight choice between one or the other i would be much more probable to factor in a professor's opinion than a politians opinion when making up my mind on a subject.

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politicians are just itinerant blaggers who profess they know what they are talking about,

professors generally know what they are talking about


no contest !


" You can convince some the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot convince all of the people all of the time."
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This is the tip of an iceberg.


New Labour, in particular the dreadful Blair, rejected the advice given by the permanent secretaries in the Civil Service and set about culling those who didn’t gleefully do his bidding.


Brown likewise rejected advice from the Treasury Mandarins and went on his disastrous fiscal experiment, and the failure is hitting us all now


Likewise the decision driven by John (call me Jack) Straw in collusion with Blair to open the doors to Immigration along with the utterly stupid multicultural experiment, which has also failed disastrously, is yet another example of these fools ignoring advice from people who know.


To now see the decision to politicise the classification of ‘illegal substances’ on the basis of trying to buy popularity with a certain sector of the electorate rather than provide an indication of the potential to cause harm is quite simply wrong.


I do wonder to what extent lobbying by the providers of ‘legal’ substances has influenced this decision in the same way that it was lobbying by interested parties with vested interests that was responsible more than anything else for the making of Cannabis illegal in the first place.

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Professor Or Politicians?, Who's advice would you trust?




I've seen enough people first hand to make up my own mind.

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