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There I was watching telly and not thinking anything bad when an advert for New Zealand came on.


Pictures of the landscape and attractions, professionally composed by the NZ tourism department & intercut with statements from people who had been there.


And then I nearly fell off my chair:



"David from the Isle of Man", advertising for the kiwis? When his own Isle needs every tourist it can possibly get? And what's that he's saying? "Relaxing & unwinding from the pace in the UK" ???


I call treason! Off with his head! :ph34r:

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Pictures of the landscape and attractions, professionally composed by the NZ tourism department & intercut with statements from people who had been there.


There's a clue there - professionally......

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Does anyway here remember a bloke being interviewed live on Manx Radio on Christmas Day, on a hot sunny beach in Australia? It was about 10 years ago and I remember the Isle of Man was cold, wet and dark at the time.


I can't remember why there was a Manx Radio guy there, but it was all to do with the new technology at the time linking anywhere in the world. The interviewer was apparently quite amazed to come across a Manxman.


Anyway, the bloke had recently been done for re-selling (not for profit) cans of beer to bikers at Glen Wyllin campsite during TT and, fed up with the small mindedness of the authorities over here, had basically said to hell with the Isle of Man and emigrated.


It must have been a nice way to stick two fingers up!

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