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Servicemen Murdered


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5 Riflemen (regiment unknown at this time) and several Royal Military Police has been murdered and several other injured in a shooting incident in Afghanistan.


The shooter was an Afghan policeman who while being trained by the soldiers turned and began shooting before running off.


Sympathies with the families after this tragic and sensless loss of life.


Although not surprised given the corruption of the Afghan government agencies and the infiltration by insurgent forces.


A truely cowardly act.


They will be remembered.

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More sickening news. Unless proper Afghan civil authorities can be established and trusted to do their jobs honestly and without tribal animosities things will just continue to go from bad to bad. What has happened today seems to be a price that servicemen can sadly expect to pay to achieve the will of the politicians. I sometimes wonder is it worth it?

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As a former serviceman who has spent some time in Afghanistan, I say leave them to it.


It seems that they are totally convicted towards living in the dark ages. Too many servicemen and women have sacrificed theirs live on the Afghanistan mission, and still the ungratefuls commit to killing the very same people trying to help them.


Although saying that, the grit and determination of our boys and girls against such situations is a credit us all.

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I find it nauseous when Gordon Brown trots out his condolences followed by the party line ' making the streets of britain safe', well I have a radical idea let our troops secure our borders here I will feel just as safe then, and more of our young men do not have to die for a questionable purpose driven by politics. If Afghanistan is a threat as we are told then let the usaf turn the place into an ashtray !!

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killing the very same people trying to help them.
Is it not to be assumed that these policemen are working for or are under the control of the Taliban?


It seems that they are totally convicted towards living in the dark ages.
We did invade and then bomb the shit out of them, they probably wonder what ages we came from and whether our lack of morals make us seem like we are from the Dark Ages.


there's nothing the West is going to add to enhance their lives
Quite right, we weren't going to add anything.
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The Russians lost 14,000 men in the 1980's. It's unwinnable without a million men...and even then, the moment that million men are pulled out it will revert back to what it was.


Pull them all back to the Paki/Afghan border....send in the planes and helicopters to bomb any terrorists/afghan weddings back to the stone age. Push for a Nato force to stand between Pakistan/afghanistan.


End of.

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You have people working their arses off in shop floors in retail stores; in the finance sector, in factories while those who make a profit out of the work go driving around in expensive cars. And it apparently doesn't bother us. Are we stupid? But what about Ethiopian coffee bean pickers; factory workers in sweat shops, etc.


The Afghani's aren't stupid. It is what little they have to trade with people from outside of the country. They haven't had the opportunity for their economy to develop considering the upheavals and destruction their country has seen.

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You have people working their arses off in shop floors in retail stores; in the finance sector, in factories while those who make a profit out of the work go driving around in expensive cars. And it apparently doesn't bother us. Are we stupid? But what about Ethiopian coffee bean pickers; factory workers in sweat shops, etc.


The Afghani's aren't stupid. It is what little they have to trade with people from outside of the country. They haven't had the opportunity for their economy to develop considering the upheavals and destruction their country has seen.

We're all stupid. 'The Matrix' wasn't a film - it was a documentary.

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Pull them all back to the Paki/Afghan border....send in the planes and helicopters to bomb any terrorists/afghan weddings back to the stone age. Push for a Nato force to stand between Pakistan/Afghanistan.


End of.

With the Afghan/Pak border a mere 2,500 km across impossibly difficult terrain guarding it should be an absolute breeze...


It's an impossibly stupid task which makes guarding it an impossibly stupid idea.


End of.


Any solution can only come from within.

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As a former serviceman who has spent some time in Afghanistan, I say leave them to it.


It seems that they are totally convicted towards living in the dark ages. Too many servicemen and women have sacrificed theirs live on the Afghanistan mission, and still the ungratefuls commit to killing the very same people trying to help them.


Although saying that, the grit and determination of our boys and girls against such situations is a credit us all.


What gets me was the piece on ITV news where their commanding officer was paying respect to the fallen soldiers and in the background were 3 Afghans (presumably police), leaning on a landrover, smoking tabs, laughing and gesturing to the camera.


Get out. Get out now. And shoot them pricks in the face on the way out.


Sorry for over reacting.

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Pull them all back to the Paki/Afghan border....send in the planes and helicopters to bomb any terrorists/afghan weddings back to the stone age. Push for a Nato force to stand between Pakistan/Afghanistan.


End of.

With the Afghan/Pak border a mere 2,500 km across impossibly difficult terrain guarding it should be an absolute breeze...


It's an impossibly stupid task which makes guarding it an impossibly stupid idea.


End of.


Any solution can only come from within.

They shoot from within! Seen the news - same sh1t as in Iraq?


Democracy? - they are not buying it, because it is as alien to them as communism was to us.


Nah - big international coalition compound on the border, lots of planes, helicopters and tanks - hit them with precision remotely. ...and then do what we usually do best after a year or two...f**k off quietly. Everyone's a winner.


Pull out. This waste of life has to stop NOW.

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What gets me was the piece on ITV news where their commanding officer was paying respect to the fallen soldiers and in the background were 3 Afghans (presumably police), leaning on a landrover, smoking tabs, laughing and gesturing to the camera.


Get out. Get out now. And shoot them pricks in the face on the way out.


Sorry for over reacting.

Don't apologise. It comes as a shock to many how life can be so much cheaper in third world countries and how the locals subsequently react very differently to deaths that we find hard to take.

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The Russians lost 14,000 men in the 1980's. It's unwinnable without a million men...and even then, the moment that million men are pulled out it will revert back to what it was.


Pull them all back to the Paki/Afghan border....send in the planes and helicopters to bomb any terrorists/afghan weddings back to the stone age. Push for a Nato force to stand between Pakistan/afghanistan.


End of.

Bomb the terrorists? Yeah, because that's very easy to do and doesn't involve more civilian deaths.


A counter-insurgency war could be possible. But as you say it would involve thousands more troops and it would also need a lot more funding that it is currently receiving. The Russian war was, however, not in the slightest bit similar to how NATO are undertaking the current campaign and certainly would be similar to any potential COIN strategy used in the region.

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The Russians lost 14,000 men in the 1980's. It's unwinnable without a million men...and even then, the moment that million men are pulled out it will revert back to what it was.


Pull them all back to the Paki/Afghan border....send in the planes and helicopters to bomb any terrorists/afghan weddings back to the stone age. Push for a Nato force to stand between Pakistan/afghanistan.


End of.

Bomb the terrorists? Yeah, because that's very easy to do and doesn't involve more civilian deaths.


A counter-insurgency war could be possible. But as you say it would involve thousands more troops and it would also need a lot more funding that it is currently receiving. The Russian war was, however, not in the slightest bit similar to how NATO are undertaking the current campaign and certainly would be similar to any potential COIN strategy used in the region.

OK then. Here's your rifle...on you go.

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