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You only have to fly over the place to see how impossible it is to control IF you don't have an Afghan government that is capable of being accepted by a large majority of the population.


Ultimately it is not the coalition job to bring good government to the country - that is their own Afghan Government and public service job. The troops can buy a bit of time but if Khazai et al continue to behave the way they are there is zero hope of the type of outcome Gordon Brown dreams of. Much more likely to drift further and further into anarchy.


Fundamentally the politicians are losing this war.

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It's rather scary to think what the alternative is.



Sadly Lala and their ilk can't see past their righteous noses to see that the only alternative after pulling the Nato forces (Lala's oppressors) out is to have total lockdown on all rogue states.



Nazism and apartheidism (Adolf and Pic are prolly seething seeing this) on a global scale. And probably easier to do than trying to implement a world friendly government into our glabal fray.

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Impossible for who to control? There is the possibility of establishing regional governments.


Ultimately it is not the coalition job to bring good government to the country - that is their own Afghan Government and public service job.
Well the UK and USA should foot the bill. The governments wanting influence and control over the country
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Well the UK and USA should foot the bill. The governments wanting influence and control over the country







Lala - get this into your head mate. No. No they do not want control over a country that is only good for smack and pomegranets. None what so ever. The WORLD governments would like rid of the Taliban who harbour world terrorists (Please do not ever mention how those murdered on the 11th September shouldn't be remembered because they worked for a capitalist government that only manipulate you) and rid the world of the opiates that are produced there.



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Yeah, they do want control and they have it already. It offers easy access to the Middle East and will have a nice big juicy oil pipeline being built through it. It offers the USA a great deal. The Taliban didn't just harbour any world terrorists, they harboured Al Qaeda who the Taliban would not be inviting back in a hurry considering US involvement pushed the Taliban out of power and killed a lot of them.


As for opiates, it's hardly grant strategy. It isn't why this war started, why it continues.

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Gazza, you can't be so dopey to honestly think that the US is there just to make sure Al Qaeda don't come back and do away with poppy production? The latter is important to US business plans but it is not the driving purpose. Al Qaeda won't be going back to Afghanistan in a hurry. Consider how important Afghanistan would be a friendly state that offer air bases. Think about the nation's proximity to Iran.

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Gazza, you can't be so dopey to honestly think that the US is there just to make sure Al Qaeda don't come back and do away with poppy production? The latter is important to US business plans but it is not the driving purpose. Al Qaeda won't be going back to Afghanistan in a hurry. Consider how important Afghanistan would be a friendly state that offer air bases. Think about the nation's proximity to Iran.

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Consider how important Afghanistan would be a friendly state that offer air bases. Think about the nation's proximity to Iran.



Lala - bases need supplying. A landlocked morass is hardly of military importance. Too any one, unless it's those that have something to hide.

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Compare Uzbekistan's role in allowing US aircraft to operate from that country. And consider how much better it would be to operate from Afghanistan as opposed to any other nation were conflict to arise in the Middle East, were there to be trouble in Pakistan, and the economic advantages that accrue from having a heavy influence over this nation when the Central Asian states are neighbours.

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Compare Uzbekistan's role in allowing US aircraft to operate from that country. And consider how much better it would be to operate from Afghanistan as opposed to any other nation were conflict to arise in the Middle East, were there to be trouble in Pakistan, and the economic advantages that accrue from having a heavy influence over this nation when the Central Asian states are neighbours.



Why are they using bases on Uzbekistan?

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I logged on to MF this morning and then had to hang my head in shame. Not for me but where this thread has gone.


I didn't raise this thread to start another Afghanistan mega-thread.


I raised it to let people know what has happened and so people could leave their comments in rememberance and honor.


But once again its has turned into the LDV show.


Please, if you want to jabber on about the sociopolitical ramifications or what ever horse ploop, go start another thread. This is not the place.

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But it is seemingly the place for you and others to move out of just paying your respects and to making silly judgements on the Afghan people.


You raised it to pay respects about those who have died in Afghanistan, then you make rather offensive comments about those whose situation and lifestyle is a result of the disgusting dirty work of the U.S.A., Soviet Union, and United Kingdom throughout the past thirty years which has left Afghanistan in such a state.


If you want to pay your respect then do so, but don't expect people to shut up when you talk as if the UK is trying to do Afghani's a favour, especially considering the deaths and hardship that this nasty war has brought.

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Guest chunkylover
But it is seemingly the place for you and others to move out of just paying your respects and to making silly judgements on the Afghan people.


You raised it to pay respects about those who have died in Afghanistan, then you make rather offensive comments about those whose situation and lifestyle is a result of the disgusting dirty work of the U.S.A., Soviet Union, and United Kingdom throughout the past thirty years which has left Afghanistan in such a state.


hmmmm no he didn't actually - re-read the whole thread idiot.

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