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First Afghan Now On There Home Soil


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Not wanting to diminish the horror felt by this brutal act, imagine if you will how people in the middle east feel about the West after we have bombed so many weddings and social events out there, the families of murdered civilians who were not even combatants no doubt hate us with a will.


Time to stop this shit, put the bigots back under their rocks and deal the east a fair deal, we have solved nothing in eight years.

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Sadly you are so right, our foreign policy just seems like a runaway train fuelled by bigotry

. Re the USA deaths, going "postal" seems to be a trend in these later years, schools included and yet i dont seem to remember anyone turning out to condem the religion of the perps, bad christians/ jews, they are all murderers. and yet here we go with the muslims again, no opportunity to be missed for a bigoted kicking, bet the BNP are loving it.

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Sadly you are so right, our foreign policy just seems like a runaway train fuelled by bigotry

. Re the USA deaths, going "postal" seems to be a trend in these later years, schools included and yet i dont seem to remember anyone turning out to condem the religion of the perps, bad christians/ jews, they are all murderers. and yet here we go with the muslims again, no opportunity to be missed for a bigoted kicking, bet the BNP are loving it.

A bit hard to go postal when they are always on fucking strike, but that aside I must agree with previous comments on the USA, as one spokesmen said on GNTV the other day. "the conflict in Afghanistan is seen in different ways by different countries, the UK sees it in Helman, the Canadians in some other province and the USA tends to see it from 15,000 ft at the end of a bomb sight". the yanks to tend to go a bit overboard in their tendency to think killing a few dozen innocents and a score of their own side justifies managing to slightly injure one guilty party. To them International aid tend to be change to our way of life or we bomb the shit out of you. To me the USA is the most dangerous and bigoted country on earth.

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strange that there were THREE shooters, two captured and one dead. Now the two captured ones have been released as mistaken arrests and the dead guy is alive!!!


Looking at the body count there is more to this story. One man with a semi-auto pistol and another pistol- presumably a revolver, does NOT kill a dozen trained fighters and wound over a score more. only to be shot by a cop


'Two US privates John Smith and John Henry had been seeing a military psychiatrist major Hasan at Fort hood for a few weeks. Both privates said they were completely against the war of oppression in the middle east and would refuse to report for active duty if ordered to do so.

So the army put them both in therapy with Dr. Hasan. After more than five weeks of therapy both Christian privates were called to go to Afghanistan. Both privates warned they would not go and they would defend themselves with force if the army tried to force them to fight in a war they believed was morally wrong.

Yesterday fellow soldiers tried to surprize the two consciencious objectors but the privates were prepared and killed 12 soldiers who tried to force their way into the privates' barracks at Fort Hood.


were the mistaken arrests John Smith and John Henry?? if so is Hasan currently alive about to become a dead patsy like oswald.


Now to understand the circumstances that placed Major Hasan at Fort Hood in the first place one has to understand that he was one of the US Militaries top PSYOP specialists and had received his medical degree, with honors, from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland, in 2001, and did his internship at Walter Reed Army Hospital.


Major Hasan then became one of the top researchers at the US Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress in the field this US Military funded organization stated was:



“Center scientists are actively engaged in studies of military deployment, combat stress and the mental health of active duty, Guard and Reserve and veterans. This research helps military command (leaders, physicians and mental health providers) mitigate, respond to and foster recovery from the consequences of war and other military extreme environments that can occur in combat, peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance.


"In addition, a primary focus of the Center is conducting studies of the impact of deployment on servicemen and women and their families. This research includes surveillance of psychiatric problems among battle injured soldiers, and measuring the psychological effect of treating severely injured and disfigured soldiers deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan on health care providers at institutions like Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the National Naval Medical Center.”


[Note: The US Military has completely removed the website of their Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress organization early on the morning of 6 November 2009.

it looks like all records showing his good side are being erazed .

i think the "vietnam moment "has arrived but being delayed

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Looking at the body count there is more to this story. One man with a semi-auto pistol and another pistol- presumably a revolver, does NOT kill a dozen trained fighters and wound over a score more. only to be shot by a cop


It might be strange if they were all armed at the time.

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...imagine if you will how people in the middle east feel about the West after we have bombed so many weddings and social events out there, the families of murdered civilians who were not even combatants no doubt hate us with a will.
And maybe they should. It's our fault and we seem not to care. No doubt we come across as very immoral people given our government (that we support) takes immoral action in the world.
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...imagine if you will how people in the middle east feel about the West after we have bombed so many weddings and social events out there, the families of murdered civilians who were not even combatants no doubt hate us with a will.
And maybe they should. It's our fault and we seem not to care. No doubt we come across as very immoral people given our government (that we support) takes immoral action in the world.


Its not our govenment,

maybe its yours but not ours :huh:

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But think about what role the Island has a crown dependency - the Island pays towards defence and leaves foreign policy to the UK government and your fellow nationals go to war to fight as British soldiers. The war is very much the Islands as it is the Scots, or the Welsh, or actually any other county in Britain.

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but i havent joined them to fight, im manx
So what? Who do you pay your taxes to? What relation to the British government do your government have?


Shoot all the americans? seems like a good start on the way to world peace.
The American people have no more control over shaping and directing foreign policy than the British people, althought the do support their political system and government's in war, as our do, but when there is so much propaganda, misinformation, and bad education how can you blame them?


Besides, if the finger is going to be ignorantly pointed at the American people it would have to be pointed at the British (and Manx) as well, because Britain has and is involved in as much nasty business which can only be done with the help of the American government and military.

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