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Extra Terrestrial Life To Be Confirmed Late 2009?


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From 'Wiki'

Richard C. Hoagland (born April 25, 1945) is an American author and a proponent of various conspiracy theories about NASA, lost alien civilizations on the moon and on Mars and other related topics. Claims from his personal biography and publication include having been curator for a science museum in Springfield Massachusetts at age 19 in the mid-60s, and science adviser to CBS News during the Apollo Missions to the Moon. Hoagland does not have any scientific training.


His writings claim that advanced civilizations exist or once existed on the moon, Mars and on some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and that NASA and the United States government have conspired to keep these facts secret. He has advocated his ideas in two published books, several videotapes, lectures, interviews, and press conferences. He has submitted material to a NASA-sponsored public interest outreach, but his views have never been published in peer-reviewed journals. Hoagland has been labeled by James Oberg of The Space Review and Phil Plait of Bad Astronomy as a conspiracy theorist and fringe thinker.


Coast To Coast Radio appears to be home to genuine fruitcakes. LINK


I know this is the case because a Martian told me so.

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And now the Pope joins in


The Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences is holding its first ever conference on alien life, the discovery of which would have profound implications for the Catholic Church.



Among other things, extremely alien-looking aliens would be hard to fit with the idea that God “made man in his own image”.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I quite like the relatively harmless mentalism of people who make claims like aliens are already here and are responsible for Ant and Dec's success, especially when the actual search for extra-terrestrial life is so incredibly dull.


A surley meh to martian bacteria and endlessly scanning the night skies in a desperate search to hear ancient broadcasts of the intergalactic version of the Pet Shop Boys, and hurrah for our alian reptilian overlords and drunk space folk arsing about in corn fields!

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Could be nonsense but quite interesting!



It is nonsense, utter nonsense.

Not exactly what the sci-fi followers anticipated but could be that extra terrestrial life will be confirmed this year.

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