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Holocaust Denial


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But the issue for me here then is one of power and the need for its removal, not the outcome of such power.


For me the issue in this case is one of the maintenance and even escalation of ill founded hatred by the promulgation of lies.


Seems to me that's what religion is for...


...although, of course I've nothing but evidence to back this supposition up.

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After having now been to an actual camp, and even stood in a gas chamber, I find it difficult to understand how humans can do such unspeakable things to other humans. The camp at Dachau is somewhere I shall never forget visiting, and i'm sure the picture that was painted for us will stay in my mind forever.


What I didn't understand was that the Germans had over 1200 camps around Europe, and you could be thrown into one of these hell holes simply for being drunk ! Of course Jews were the main target, but gays, priests and just about anyone who didn't 'fit in' to the German machine way of thinking was incarcerated.


Truly horrible things happend to those poor folk, and it really does help you put things into perspective.

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