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Stoned To Death


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Stonings have happenned in Iran and Nigeria as well as Somalia and Taliban controlled Afghanistan. Wiki.


I suffer a limited amount of Cultural relativism - but many things are beyond the pale. "When in Rome" isn't automatically wrong - but I believe that for all the fuzzy edges it is clear when you have stepped from cultural difference to barbarism. Stoning is quite definitely barbaric - the epitomy of cruel and unusual punishments.

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I am just wondering whether the same posters as usual will drop by to lecture on how she break the law and therefore she should have been stoned because those are the laws of that country.


It hasn't had a government for years and still less any laws.

Well whose governing who in this situation? And what are these rules that are being applied to the people? It doesn't have a representative government that is voted for by the people and it doesn't have a State apparatus that results from this, but there doesn't mean there are no laws and no government.

The place is a mess. Its in a state of civil war. What would be like to live there is something most of us can only imagine.

It would be like turning the clock back 1000 years or more.

Try reading the news even

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They are the laws of a powerful group, an elite, who use their military force to impose control over the population and impose their laws on the people. Not any different from what you have in any other country. Underpinning these rules is religion.

Your use of english is very careless for someone who aledgedly works in media.

I could take that as a lovely compliment. But no, I don't work in media, if you mean the Media. Anyway, what's the point you are trying to make about short memories?


The place is a mess. Its in a state of civil war. What would be like to live there is something most of us can only imagine. Try reading the news even

Yes it is. But that is because you have different military groups trying to compete for control over large areas of Somalia, almost solely in the south. The north isn't anywhere near as disordered, in fact some have argued it is better ordered than twenty years ago.

It isn't a civil war because there is no nation state anymore. You have all these different areas that wish to be considered as separate self-governing regions, such as Somaliland and Puntland.

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There’s a whole lot that I could add to this pot ----- but I won’t.


What I WILL add is that Shar’ia “justice” is rife in the UK.


So called “honour” killings are far more frequent than make the press, beatings common place in the Muslim enclaves, and FGM continues to be practiced with nothing being done to bring those responsible before our courts.


To imagine that this will change for the better, that is OUR view of what is better, is a forlorn hope. It won’t. It hasn’t for 1300 years, and it won’t now.

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Why are you holding back from explaining?


Because whatever I write that is condemnatory about Islam it is at once interpreted as being at best a negatively biased opinion based on what I am.

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In reply to Rogs' post 22 - Fortunately I suffer no religious ties or constraints.


Stoning a man or woman to death for alleged adulterty is simply an act of medieval barbarity regardless of where it happens and under whatever 'special invisible friend' rules happen to be applied.


Barbarity pure and simple.


No excuses, no pointing to a book as a mitigating factor .

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