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What a load of bollocks, he has an ex soldier would know the danger of guns so he did the sensible thing, take it off the streets and hand it in to the police as quickly as possible afterall had he phoned the police chances are in the UK the bunch of useless lazy bastards would have taken 2 days to come out as they would have been too busy on traffic duties or other easy targets. He deserves a reward never mind charging, mind you with the state of UK law atm if he had used the gun he would have got only a caution as prison sentences are reserved for minor offences

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If it was "sawn off" then why didn't he simply ring the boys in blue to get what forensics they could from it in situ and then take it away?


Maybe he's just thick - which doesn't warrant a custodial sentence...

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The problem is that you guys are all discussing his motives which is only natural.


But in law if an offense is strict liability it means that if you do it (i.e. possess a firearm or sell poisoned food) you are liable no matter what. Any reason or excuse is irrelevant that's the law.


I disagree with this being strict liability. However the state would argue that the consequences of it not being would be much worse.


The problems with strict liability laws have often been pointed out, including notably by Lord Denning. If you can find any of his books (which are all out of print now I believe) they make a truly interesting read even to the layman, they are written as a cross between a historical novel and a legal treatise - better than it sounds - exploring how the law got to where it is today with famous cases. Anyway he thought there shouldn't be strict liability.

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What a load of bollocks, he has an ex soldier would know the danger of guns so he did the sensible thing,


Which was to keep it in his house overnight, ring the chief superintendent, arrange an appointment but not mention that he was bringing a gun, then turn up and produce the thing.

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Yes he is guilty under the strict liability rule. The jury had no option but to rule as they did.


But for the newspaper to claim he faces five years in jail is very Daily Mail-esque. My money is on an unconditional discharge.


However it is a salutory lesson. Maybe should have hidden the thing sans fingerprints and called Crimestoppers with it's location.


But then again why should he have to go to these lengths?

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Yeah, the law can be pretty fucked up sometimes, but what is more fucked up is that more people do not question it, but simply accept it because "It's the Law".


Manx forums seems to be divided into two groups of people on this issues. Some people think that if the law is the law you should follow it (I think this includes MDO, Slim, John Barton etc) and others think that you don't have to/should try and change it such as myself.


I have always said that the law is just a reflection of morality and if it goes wrong it can be safely set aside.


I have no doubt that the judge in this case will give the most lenient sentence the law permits - 5 years in prison is insane (media hype).

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Yeah, the law can be pretty fucked up sometimes, but what is more fucked up is that more people do not question it, but simply accept it because "It's the Law".


Manx forums seems to be divided into two groups of people on this issues. Some people think that if the law is the law you should follow it (I think this includes MDO, Slim, John Barton etc) and others think that you don't have to/should try and change it such as myself.


I have always said that the law is just a reflection of morality and if it goes wrong it can be safely set aside.


I have no doubt that the judge in this case will give the most lenient sentence the law permits - 5 years in prison is insane (media hype).


Care to enlighten us as to how you have enriched the world by fighting the system? And how many laws have you changed?


Your starting to sound like another LDV.


Back to the subject...


He should have left it and called the fuzz.

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Yes he is guilty under the strict liability rule. The jury had no option but to rule as they did.


But for the newspaper to claim he faces five years in jail is very Daily Mail-esque. My money is on an unconditional discharge.


However it is a salutory lesson. Maybe should have hidden the thing sans fingerprints and called Crimestoppers with it's location.


But then again why should he have to go to these lengths?

Fantastic, so he should not even touch the gun to ensure it is in a safe secure place but call the police to tell them it's location and walk away whilst they take 2 days to turn up and find it gone. The law is an ass

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Care to enlighten us as to how you have enriched the world by fighting the system? And how many laws have you changed?


Your starting to sound like another LDV.

He didn't imply that he does fight the system.



Yeah, the law can be pretty fucked up sometimes, but what is more fucked up is that more people do not question it, but simply accept it because "It's the Law".


Manx forums seems to be divided into two groups of people on this issues. Some people think that if the law is the law you should follow it (I think this includes MDO, Slim, John Barton etc) and others think that you don't have to/should try and change it such as myself.


I have always said that the law is just a reflection of morality and if it goes wrong it can be safely set aside.


I have no doubt that the judge in this case will give the most lenient sentence the law permits - 5 years in prison is insane (media hype).


Yes, LDV, he did.

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