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Daff Eco-office On Schedule For March 2010

isleofman.com News

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Work on the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry's new environmentally friendly headquarters is reported to be progressing on schedule.


The Department’s plan to centralise its six divisions into a single building outside Douglas, relocating its 70 staff in the process, is on target for the end of March 2010.


Story here.

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While the government owned Marine Biological Station in Port Erin slowly crumbles away awaiting the Government to determine a suitable use for it, beggars belief

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Work on the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry's new environmentally friendly headquarters is reported to be progressing on schedule.


The Department’s plan to centralise its six divisions into a single building outside Douglas, relocating its 70 staff in the process, is on target for the end of March 2010.


Story here.



Does that free up Knockaloe for building land?

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Work on the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry's new environmentally friendly headquarters is reported to be progressing on schedule.


The Department’s plan to centralise its six divisions into a single building outside Douglas, relocating its 70 staff in the process, is on target for the end of March 2010.


Story here.



Does that free up Knockaloe for building land?


can never happin

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Work on the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry's new environmentally friendly headquarters is reported to be progressing on schedule.


The Department’s plan to centralise its six divisions into a single building outside Douglas, relocating its 70 staff in the process, is on target for the end of March 2010.


Story here.



Does that free up Knockaloe for building land?


can never happin


What about a wind farm then?

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This can't be right, a well designed, well built, well managed, project coming in on time, making a little investment in areas other than Douglas.


We must slag it off for not give us enough to complain about!


tis the ilse of man, worlds best moaners

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What a waste of money. After the budget cuts next year, and when we get our very own baby P next year, this will come back to haunt our politicians. Non-prioritising stupid tw@@s that most of them seem to be. FFS.



Worth every penny of our 1% rise in NI contributions this week. Oh...sorry, forgot that 1% rise was to cover just part of the already £9M we now have as a health budget shortfall.


People in this government should be ashamed of themselves wasting money like this. Criminal profligacy and incompetence at its worst.

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What a waste of money. After the budget cuts next year, and when we get our very own baby P next year, this will come back to haunt our politicians. Non-prioritising stupid tw@@s that most of them seem to be. FFS.



Worth every penny of our 1% rise in NI contributions this week. Oh...sorry, forgot that 1% rise was to cover just part of the already £9M we now have as a health budget shortfall.


People in this government should be ashamed of themselves wasting money like this. Criminal profligacy and incompetence at its worst.



You realise that the funding for the project was agreed on 5 years ago, and the project had already broken ground before the VAT crisis?


Should they have just stopped halfway through when the bulk of the money had been spent? I'm sure you would have been chuffed at that, I'm sure everyone would be applauding the governments frugal attitude if they had of.


Also the government is going a sensible thing by investing in capital building projects, it means that hundreds of people in the building trade are kept in work, of benefits and it keeps money moving in the economy, from the money for materials, to the fuel in the plant.


But there again why should we praise something being done properly when its easier to slag it off, while we are at it lets slag them off for trying to improve are education facilities, then if we are lucky they will stop work on new schools so we can slag them off about failing education standards because a large percentage of our primary schools haven't changed for 50 years.

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What a waste of money. After the budget cuts next year, and when we get our very own baby P next year, this will come back to haunt our politicians. Non-prioritising stupid tw@@s that most of them seem to be. FFS.



Worth every penny of our 1% rise in NI contributions this week. Oh...sorry, forgot that 1% rise was to cover just part of the already £9M we now have as a health budget shortfall.


People in this government should be ashamed of themselves wasting money like this. Criminal profligacy and incompetence at its worst.



You realise that the funding for the project was agreed on 5 years ago, and the project had already broken ground before the VAT crisis?


Should they have just stopped halfway through when the bulk of the money had been spent? I'm sure you would have been chuffed at that, I'm sure everyone would be applauding the governments frugal attitude if they had of.


Also the government is going a sensible thing by investing in capital building projects, it means that hundreds of people in the building trade are kept in work, of benefits and it keeps money moving in the economy, from the money for materials, to the fuel in the plant.


But there again why should we praise something being done properly when its easier to slag it off, while we are at it lets slag them off for trying to improve are education facilities, then if we are lucky they will stop work on new schools so we can slag them off about failing education standards because a large percentage of our primary schools haven't changed for 50 years.

Some of us saw this kind of crisis coming for 5 years, and have been consitent on the spendthrifts. First the credit crunch, then KSF, now the extra whammy of the VAT crisis - and in the meantime we have watched the civil service grow into the monster it has become and eat the meagre reserves we have.


You should look more closely at the date I made my above comment. This project should have gone on hold last year.


I will not praise a project that has cost the equivalent of the 1% annual rise in NI that we have just had to try and plug a hole in the health budget.


This building will be yet another monument to ineptitude - especially when people start to really suffer because of cuts next year. Let's hope one of those people isn't you or one of your relatives. I think it is you that hasn't quite got the hang of just how deep a shithole we are currently actually in unless this VAT is replaced.

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