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Daff Eco-office On Schedule For March 2010

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This can't be right, a well designed, well built, well managed, project coming in on time, making a little investment in areas other than Douglas.


We must slag it off for not give us enough to complain about!


There are many Government projects that have been well managed, completed on time and on budget outside Douglas such as The New Prison at Jurby, Scoill Ree Gorree, Peel B Power Station and many more. Thing is people don't remeber the ones that didn't hit the news.


Only word of waring is it is somtimes dangerous to temp fate, untill the job is completed and the final account settled there is always a risk of delay and overspend. Lets hope te job continues to progress well and remains within budget.

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I think it is you that hasn't quite got the hang of just how deep a shithole we are currently actually in unless this VAT is replaced.


I realize the depth of the shit hole we are in. In fact as I see it with the current government, and the current know situation, there is little life left in the island, however the government is going the best thing it can in the current situation. If they cut all spending not only do they dent confidence in the stability of the island but it also forces more people into unemployment, which puts a massive strain on Social Security.


However if the government are aware of UKgovs tax plans next year and have assurances on the expected 20% VAT coming into force next year then we will not see any major loses in income. This would go some way towards explaining the governments continued spending.


Some of us saw this kind of crisis coming for 5 years, and have been consitent on the spendthrifts. First the credit crunch, then KSF, now the extra whammy of the VAT crisis


Maybe you should enter politics, with your magic ball and ability to see financial situations 5 years in advance when experts are unsure of what may happen in 6 - 12 months you should have the world at your feet in no time at all.

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Some of us saw this kind of crisis coming for 5 years, and have been consitent on the spendthrifts. First the credit crunch, then KSF, now the extra whammy of the VAT crisis


Maybe you should enter politics, with your magic ball and ability to see financial situations 5 years in advance when experts are unsure of what may happen in 6 - 12 months you should have the world at your feet in no time at all.

No magic ball is necessary. There is a major difference between seeing something on the horizon and predicting it, and seeing something on the horizon but choosing to ignore it - especially despite having enough watchmen on duty (FSA, FSC, BoE, politicians, treasurys etc.) all handsomely paid to look.


Other than the detail of the tenuous renegotiated VAT agreement that was previously hidden from us, all of the financial signs and risk information were previously all there for all to clearly see.

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Baby and bathwater comes to mind.


"70 members of staff relocated outside of Douglas" - how many times have suggestions been made about that?

"engineering out major energy consuming plant and equipment" - short term investment leading to long term gains.


This appears to be a genuinely worthwhile project that should be applauded and supported.

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Baby and bathwater comes to mind.


"70 members of staff relocated outside of Douglas" - how many times have suggestions been made about that?

"engineering out major energy consuming plant and equipment" - short term investment leading to long term gains.


This appears to be a genuinely worthwhile project that should be applauded and supported.

Of course, I agree it's far too late to do anything about it now. I'm not saying in the big scheme of things that it wasn't a worthwhile thing to do in terms of all the previous priorities, just that the big scheme way of life should have ended at least three years ago. It is in that context - my objections to it last year on cost grounds as the credit crisis was about to hit us, and the continued lack of prioritisation and foresight in spending (airport, MEA, KSF, Civil Service pensions etc. etc.) continued, that I base my objections on.


There are no doubt going to be lots of things with genuine business cases that we will not be able to afford for a long time, and not doing some of them will no doubt even cost lives over time (health in particular).


But would you have been so happy to pay, for one year, that 1% rise in NI this week to cover the costs of this building??? When major health services start to be withdrawn and, say, pensions start to be effectively cut - I think not. And all this in context with a civil service 20% larger than it should be, or is likely to be, in 5 years time - with plenty of property that could be put to much better use for the remainder.

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Baby and bathwater comes to mind.


"70 members of staff relocated outside of Douglas" - how many times have suggestions been made about that?

"engineering out major energy consuming plant and equipment" - short term investment leading to long term gains.


This appears to be a genuinely worthwhile project that should be applauded and supported.



It was John Rimington's project when he was at DAFF.

He was an intelligent MHK who was actually prepared to take action.

DAFF will save money by not paying rent to a private landlord on their premises in Circular Road.

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